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Lurch Speaks

Seperated At Birth?

Ok, I've been avoiding the politics..but why?

Happy Halloween!

Click pic for video!

***UPDATED-11/1*** Some reactions:

Watch a brilliant Vent at Hotair.com.

Kerry may inadvertently have stated the unfortunate truth that a very large proportion of today's military is comprised of young people who barely made their way through high school and had nothing close to an educational or career prospect. As a 12th grade Government teacher I see the phenomenon year after year of aimless students devoid of ability or ambition settling upon military service as the only possible way to support themselves in adulthood. It came as no surprise when the local paper reported the other day that the highway near the local naval base has the highest rate of DUI arrests in the area. It comes as no surprise when I hear of our troops commiting atrocities in Iraq for sport or amusement. These kinds of behaviors are precisely what I would expect of the students I have who enter the armed forces. Fortunately, there are many exceptionally capable officers to discipline and mold them, but in an era when Recruitment is King we will lower our standards and inundate the military with imbeciles and miscreants. Thank you, John Kerry, for stating the obvious. -- Anonymous [of course...Joe S.]

It stuns me that some people seem to believe that Kerry's remark was aimed at our troops, when it's clear as day that this was just another cheap shot at President Bush. Kerry is a populist and this is what he does. He goes around the country and exploit people's discontent about the war in Irak. He is nothing but a pathetic politician wannabe president and he shows it every day. However, what Republican media machine is doing now sickens me even more then Kerry. They even surpassed Democrats in their efforts with Foley's story by completely twisting the truth and deliberately misinterpreting Kerry's message. Now they are going to try and keep it on front pages until the voting is done and it matters no more. It's a shame. Our politicians should be better then radical islamic clerics who employ the same methods in misguiding people and recruiting them for their jihad, the best example being the latest scandal about Pop's remarks about their religion. Why does politics have to be such a filthy business? C'mon people, open your eyes, don't let media and politicians play you like some role-play strategy game. Don't let them think for you. Use your own heads deciding how you are going to vote Nov. 7. -- Vlad From Massachusetts [ok Vlad!...Joe S.]

Now its up to the Americans to realize who is really stuck in Iraq. Is it Bush? Or the US Army? Simple, isn't it? He was making an indirect statement at the president of the United States of Free America pointing out that he is an illiterate, foolish commander-in-chief who led his force into nowhere only to have dirt on their face. Kerry's "you" refers to Bush and his entire Administration. I fail to see why the Americans missed the point when surprisingly the not-so-smart Mr. President and Co. understood exactly what Senator Kerry meant.-- Nihaj

I have listened to all of the pundits attempt to spin Senator Kerry's remarks as a cut against President Bush. I'm sorry, no logically-thinking human being could do so. His remarks are demeaning to all those who are currently serving and he needed to apologize. By not doing so immediately, he demeans our servicemen and women. I have two nephews who have served in Iraq. Neither are "dumb"". Rather, both are college graduates. I have friends whose sons could have attended nearly any college in Maryland but chose to serve. Senator Kerry only proved his arrogance by not apologizing and he validated the choice of Americans two years ago.-- Jeffrey From California

Democrats, look for anything negative in all that is Conservative. Meanwhile they sit on their high horse shouting down to the "ignorant" masses about how mighty and enlightened they are. Kerry's remarks are exactly what they sounded like, him be condescending to the very people that fight and die to ensure that he has the right to be an elected idiot. Also, as one of the ones that wound up in Iraq, I would like think the time I spent in college was well worth it.-- Jonathan From Woodbridge, VA

He should apologize and stop telling us what he said. We heard what he said. We're not stupid.-- Frank

For those who are behind John Kerry's remarks as a botched joke--next time hire a comedian and not a joke of a person.

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