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There will be NO peace

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas urged Arab leaders on Wednesday not to compromise on the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees.
This statement solidifies the fact that there will be no peace between Israel and the "Arabs". The requirement in the Saudi "Peace Plan" for a right of return negates any chance at peace. The so-called refugees have been so for the last 60 years. The Arabs are trying to get back territory they ceded after their numerous failed attempts to rid the Middle East of Israel. Nothing more, nothing less. Because they can't take it back they will try to negotiate it back under the guise of peace. All Israel has to do is renounce it's right to exist and all will be peaceful in the Middle East. The Islamists will set aside their theological differences and utopia will exist. Poppycock!
If right of return is accepted Israel will cease to exist. The Islamists will overrun it and take over the government as it did in Lebanon. Death caused internally is more tragic than being defeated by outside forces. It is also more violent. Instead of fighting outward, the battles would be in every city, town, and settlement within Israel borders. Israel has ceded enough and has been willing to sacrifice everything, minus their destruction, to have peace with it's neighbors. The neighbors just want them gone. There is no potential for peace in this environment. The Islamists cannot accept a constant reminder of the failures of their prophet and his leash holder allah. Israel is a continuous reminder of Islam's failure. They will follow a false prophet to their own destruction.
A person wouldn't knowingly partake of a drink laced with arsenic. Why should a nation be forced to do this? I have written that there is still a "refugee crisis" because the rest of the Arab nations don't want them in their own house. The history of the "Palestinian", though brief, is a violent one. On top of this, if all the "Palestinians" want is their own country, which they actually have by the way, they need people to live in this country. Why would they want to send them back to Israel unless it was to destroy Israel?
There will be no peace with the Arab/Islamists. Nothing in the history of either suggests this is possible. It's time to face the facts and respond accordingly. An Islamist's idea of peace and a westerner's idea of peace are two different ideas. They cannot be reconciled, one must win over the other. The Islamist appears to be more willing to fight for his idea than we are of our own. Peace for the sake of peace solves nothing and leads to future wars.
True peace will not be attained through negotiation, appeasement, or concession. The Islamist knows this. They refuse to cede anything and fail to live up to any agreements. They seek the islamization of the entire globe and will stop at nothing to attain it. Unless we are willing to fight them harder than they fight us, we are destined for the reappearance of the caliphate. Moral relativism and multiculturalism will eventually have everyone praying towards Mecca. Dealing with the enemy requires recognizing who and what they are not who and what we wished they were. What makes this so hard to deal with?
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