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Up close and personal

As you all know I write about “radical Islam“. For those of you who might think I just randomly conjure up these attitudes towards “Islam” and “radical Arabs” - I’d like to share with you the up close and personal interactions I have.

For those of you who have not yet read my article, “Why I could not become a Muslim,” I suggest you read it to better grasp the following.

Since I divorced my ex-husband, an Egyptian Muslim, I have been the talk of town. I am not just the most horrible person alive - but the worst mother to live. The twisted stories going on about me are nothing more than lies and half truths. I deleted my original Wordpress blog-The HILL Chronicles - that was the founding blog of this one before I moved to paid hosting. (This is exactly what happened to my original blog - Freedom Watch) I had to delete it because there was no way on free wordpress to ban and block unwanted comments, besides, all that blog contained was transferred here.

The comments left by my eldest son and his Moroccan wife on my Wordpress blog were senseless and cruel lies. I birthed eight children from my previous marriage. One child died in 1995-he was Autistic. Now after my divorce - which was under tumultuous travail and life-threatening, I was denied and still am to this day to see my daughters. My son and his wife do not allow me to see my two grandchildren, they are three and a half and nine months, both boys. Of course, they would tell you this is because I am evil, I am not the angelic person you all think I am (or they believe you think I am).

This hate is leveled against me not because I was not a good wife or mother, but because of my writing against “radical Islam“. Yes, my oldest son did defend me against his fathers abuse-yes, when my present husband and I moved to the D.C. area we stayed for a month with my son and his wife. But to have them tell it-I abandoned my children, I caused them to be thrown out of their apartment for taking us in-we do drugs-my husband is a liar who is really not disabled and just gets Social Security Disability because he is too lazy to work-and yes, we are stealing your tax dollars. There is more I could cite that my son and his wife wrote at the Wordpress - The HILL Chronicles blog - but as I stated I deleted the comments along with the blog. I banned their IP’s from this blog-but to protect the integrity of The HILL Chronicles I am now moderating all comments.

I have nothing to fear. I can walk in my integrity. But this is what being a Muslim does to so many–it causes radical behavior, action, speech, unreasonable accusations, and then it is justified-because I supposedly “HATE ALL MUSLIMS“.

I do not have to prove anything to any one. I do not hate Muslims - I hate Muslims that love JIHAD - that love Bin Laden - that support the 9/11 attacks against the United States and the American people.

One day I may not be here - you may read that I was found dead - probably by the hands of a “radical Muslim” - maybe my own son. I do not care - I will die before I ever bow down in the thrown rooms of “radical Islam” - or any doctrine that allows for hate and killing of any human being.

I do not speak - like so many - from what I read at CNN online or hear on the Fox News Channel–I speak and write from my own personal experiences - the Jihad waged against me because my own children refuse to see that “radical Islam” is evil - not me, their mother.

I WILL NOT be intimidated by threats, lies, and conjecture. I will continue to voice through the printed page - and any other venue at my disposal. I detest the hatred that is bred by a perverted interpretation of Islam and the Arab culture, because you cannot separate one from the other - they are synonymous.

When I decided to return to faith in Jesus Christ and voiced it while still in my tumultuous and violent marriage I feared not for my health or safety. I keep that same posture today despite what my eldest son and his wife put forth.

As an addendum let me add it was my daughter-in-law at the behest of her mother with statements such as, “don’t you let your husbands mother see the children - she is Christian after all.” To this day my eldest son cannot find the hutzbah to defend his sons rights to know the other side of their family. Again, this indoctrination is what I so vehemently detest and speak out against.

Now I hope this gives you enough of a glimpse into what I have lived with and continued to be harassed by over the last twenty-eight years.

Author's note: This was crossposted from my blog The HILL Chronicles


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