Muslim Women Slaves in Denial
Denial is a defense mechanism for those who, when faced with a fact that is too painful to accept, reject it outright and insist that it cannot be true despite overwhelming evidence. This is most plainly seen among those of the Muslim faith. I will for a moment ignore the vile Muslim practice of willful deceit or al Taqiyya such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's statement yesterday, "If the US withdraws from Iraq, good things will happen. I believe that the Iraqi people can rule themselves." The Iranian President isn't in denial; he doesn't believe this any more than he believes in the Holocaust. Liberals, however, who believe his statement are, in fact, in denial.
A Muslim female reader left this response to my article The Subjugation of Jewish Women:
This is the most racist site i've ever seen! Muslim women wear hijab because they want to be seen as a person not a sex object! Another thing muslim women get a quarter of the inherittence because in islam the husband has to pay all the bills and barely has anything for himself. the wife can do whatever she wants with her money and doesn't have to get near the bills unless she wants too. your a racist bigot with a head full of shit, at least muslims don't massacer innocent children and infants! maybe you should actully ask a muslim if you have questions! Don't just swallow the garbage the media gives you! go to a masjid and you'll see that women get better treatment than men!
Read the rest here.
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