Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Mr. Bush has alienated the State of Israel to the point that there is a deep seeded resentment of him amongst the Israeli people. It is no longer just Condi Rice that is adorned with Israeli admonitions it now includes Mr. Bush along with his other cohort Ehud Olmert.

Bush has vowed to return to Israel in May to check if the government there is listening and heeding his threats, warnings, and implementing his plans - plans for a nation that he is not the leader of. Bush told the Kenesset to heed to the plan and stick by Olmert and help him to achieve the two state solution.

Who in the hell does Bush think he is? No one died and named him god. The one and only G-d, which is the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were bequeath the land by G-d and told to never divide this land or woe to the man that does.

Woe to George Bush. He has gone farther than Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton combined. He called Bethlehem Palestine. Since when in the annals of history has Bethlehem ever been in Palestine? Never. Bush is rewriting history and claiming that to impliment his plan properly he must come back to Israel to be sure that it will succeed. Why?

Bush does not care about Israel or what happens to our beloved friend. He made an unprecidented arms deal with Saudi Arabia, a nation that has and still is sponsoring terror. Bush is demented.

The Democrats were and still are right about Bush and how arrogant he is - how unapproachable he is. Bush is on a mission, his own - to give his final fight - Israel - a conclussion he believes will leave a legacy of greatness that follows him in the annals of time at Israels expense.

Bush is from the state of Texas as we are all aware and within Texas there are many great Bible preachers, teachers and pastors. One of those Pastors is John Hagee who regulary visits and supports Israel for many years now. John Hagee has met with Bush on more than one occassion as governor and president. I am sure John Hagee has warned Bush about dividing up the land - what the Bible says about dividing up the land - what will happen to the man and his nation that interferes with G-d’s land and His chosen people.

It is obvious that Bush is an arrogant fool that holds his hand held high with his index finger pointing not only in our faces or the Israelis faces, but pointing straight into the eye of G-d. Bush is demanding of Israel to sell herself out, he most certainly is selling out the United States, but most importantly and very arrogantly Bush is telling G-d, “In your eye G-d.”

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

UK Bishop warns of no-go zones for non-Muslims


This story is everywhere on the blogosphere: Islamic extremists have created "no-go" areas across Britain where it is too dangerous for non-Muslims to enter - The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester and the Church's only Asian bishop, says that people of a different race or faith face physical attack if they live or work in communities dominated by a strict Muslim ideology. Get the rest of the story from the UK Telegraph.

Regular readers of mine will not be surprised, rather they already have been told by me that this is what we can expect of Muslim infestations in Western countries. I should point out that these areas in the UK are not populated mostly by extremists. These are areas where mostly moderate Muslims live. There are too few extremists around to make an area into a Muslim zone. But once there are enough normal Muslims to get a critical mass, then the extremists can take over and control the rest. The poor, hard-working, decent Muslims are unable to control the terrorists in their midst and we end up with the situation described by the Bishop. This has already happened in many cities in Europe.

Read the rest here.

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