Computer as Singing Coach
I'm starting a new category called 'Israel Under Siege'. Articles under this rubric will describe the activities undertaken by the Jewish state even while under daily assault from what we affectionately call the Palestinians. While Arab states, with no enemies and no one attacking them, with all their gazillion dollars of oil moneys, squander their wealth on worthless madrassas that only produce ignorant, savage, hateful human time-bombs, Israel invests her moneys on scientific and technological efforts that benefit all mankind.
As I pointed out in my article Israel Creates more in One Month than Islam in a Century, "Despite the second Lebanon war, the divestments, and the boycotts, Israel's economy enjoyed the largest growth in its GNP of any Western country at 8% for the last quarter of 2006....Israel's hi-tech industry exported $14.1 billion in goods last year, growing 20% from 2005."
Now today I read
Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends, 5 Jul 2008, Your computer as your singing coach
Israeli researchers have developed an electronic ear to coach vibrato technique. Until now, the quality of a vibrato -- the pulsating change of pitch in a singer's voice -- could only be judged by voice experts. Now, a Tel Aviv University research team 'has successfully managed to train a computer to rate vibrato quality, and has created an application based on biofeedback to help singers improve their technique.' Interestingly, this research could be used for other applications, such as improving automated help centers, where computers could be trained 'to recognize a range of different emotions, such as anger and nervousness.'
Read the rest here.
Labels: Israel Under Siege
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