I Understand Muslims
I often get emails scolding me for my cold-hearted attitude toward Muslims. They ask, "How would you feel if most of your family were killed by American soldiers and your country occupied?" The question betrays my reader's naivete of what is actually motivating Muslim hatred of the western world and a sad lack of knowledge of history.
Millions of Germans and Japanese had many of their family killed by American soldiers and lived under our occupation for generations until even the present day without once sending over pro-Nazi jihadists or Shinto kamikazi to America or blowing up American embassies, so please spare me how justified Muslims are to commit suicide bombings because America occupies a tiny sliver of Muslim land.
It happens I do know why so many Muslims commit so many barbaric attacks (more than 1700 savage attacks a year).
There are two kinds of Muslims, those who have many wives and sire many children and those who cannot afford to get married and have even one wife.
Read the rest here.
Labels: Islamic mentality
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