The Handy Arab Phrase Book
Some of my readers who might be traveling to the Middle East this Summer will find that almost all the official phrase-books do not cover the most important aspects of travel in Arab countries. So in case you ever run into a group of friendly Janjaweed villagers (pictured here), I have compiled this list of useful Arab phrases from the Internet (with a few of my own thrown in) to help you make new friends.
ما هي مصادفة ، كنت فقط أقول لزوجتي هذا الصباح عند الإفطار ، "الموت لليهود"!
What a coincidence, I was just saying that to my wife this morning at breakfast, "Death to all the Jews!"
سأقوم بكل سرور أن أبلغكم مع أسماء وعناوين العديد من الجواسيس الاميركية كما يسافر
You are quite kind in showing me your marvelous gun.
سأقوم بكل سرور أن أبلغكم مع أسماء وعناوين العديد من الجواسيس الاميركية كما يسافر
I will gladly tell you the names and addresses of many American spies traveling as reporters.
More at Planck's Constant.
Labels: Arabs, humor, islamic terror, travel
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