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All the news about Iraq - no I am not going to quip on excerpts from news stories. I am not going to shrill about how terrible things are in our Congress and Senate. I will not reiterate the bad news reported everyday coming out of Iraq. This will not be about our troops, because our troops do a wonderful job, which most media outlets will not report.

This is simply about Iraq and their so-called democracy. What was President Bush thinking when he said we need a democracy in Iraq? Of course his motives were sincere and I do not question that. But I do question his understanding of the people in that region and his understanding of Islam.

First and foremost when you look at all the Arab nations combined, including Lebanon, a once Christain nation, these nations do not govern under democracy. These nations govern and dictate by and through Islam. The governments of Arab nations are solely theocracies that dictate the mandates of their forefathers that based all they governed by on Islam and its tenants.

To strive to assure that Iraq becomes a democratic nation such as Israel is naive. Israel will forever remain the only true democratic nation in the Middle East because it does not believe in governing by the sword as Arab nations do under Islamic rule. No matter how one cuts it - Iraq can never completely be a democratic nation in the Middle East - ever.

In Iraq the people placed in power now all have sympathies lying with either Sunni or Shite factions. Those factions be it Sunni or Shite both solely live by the rule of Islam. Islam does not allow for democracy because to do so would be to turn their backs on the tenants of Islam - something none of them are willing to do, ad least not completely.

So now you ask well who does she think she is? Who is she to know? I will tell you that I am just like you, but perhaps unlike you in that I have lived in the Middle East. I have lived under the dictatorship of President Mubarak in the Republic of Egypt and under King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. I listened to the news coming from their government run media centers and had translated to me the propaganda outlined in their state run newspapers.

In these countries all forms of legislation - and reported news - is skewed and never, ever is it without reference to their religion, Islam, or the tenants thereof. So how can our President truly believe their will be a viable democracy in Iraq? Nonetheless, he truly does believe this out of his own naivity of the people and of the religion, Islam.

This war cannot be won in the sense of what we deem as being a victory. We are not fighting a people, we are fighting an ideology. That ideology is inbred into the people and one cannot irradicate an ideology that took centuries to birth in a four year war with the United States demanding a government born of democracy in Iraq. This is just impossible.

Our President needs to seriously rethink his strategy in Iraq or their will not be anything that resembles a victory. If you are unsure, I am sure this post, A Shia in Iraq?, by Debbie Hamilton at Right Truth will help you to make up your mind.


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