End the Arab occupation of the West Bank
In 2004, Israel assassinated Hamas leader Ahmed Yasin. All members of the UN Security Council except America approved a resolution condemning Israeli raid.
In 2005, police of Saudi Arabia, a major US ally and weapons buyer, arrested forty Christians in a private house in Riyadh for non-Islamic worship. The Saudi action caused no official condemnation.
For if the nations of the world should say to Israel, “You are robbers, for you conquered by force the lands of the seven nations [of Canaan],” they will reply, “The entire earth belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He; He created it and gave it to whomever He deemed proper When He wished, He gave it to them, and when He wished, He took it away from them and gave it to us.” Rashi on Genesis 1:1.
It is simplistic to imagine that Olmert rushes for Palestinian statehood. Olmert is a master of political intrigues and unfulfilled promises. He repeatedly promised to remove checkpoints, but most are still in place. He also vowed to remove the outposts, but preserves them for two years now. He faces a powerful peacenik lobby of self-hating Jews bent on destroying the Jewish state. They strive to give the Temple Mount to Muslims and effectively relinquish Israeli control over the Old City of Jerusalem. Divesting of the Temple Mount has nothing to do with helping the Palestinians, but with crushing Jewish nationalism. The unnecessary destruction of Gush Katif was the first step. The defeatist camp successfully destroyed a huge community of Jewish zealots; until now, most cannot recover from psychological trauma and have no place to live in. Giving away the Temple Mount, the Old City, Hebron, and Judea will extinguish Jewish hope for returning to the Promised Land. Tel Aviv beaches lack biblical significance. Jews conquered Jewish land and gave it away; no nation can recover from such a shame for generations. The leftists need to give away the Temple Mount to assure their continued rule over demoralized, ideologically emptied Jews.
What is the alternative? Palestinians won’t sign a peace deal with us unless we give them the Temple Mount. Fine, forget the Palestinians; why do we need peace with that primitive crowd? An alternative to peace is pacification, and Israel has enough tanks to pacify the hostile mobs. Palestinians fight for the Temple Mount; conservative Jews can fight, too. With the similar methods. More efficiently. The Knesset members who consider voting for relinquishing Jerusalem to Arabs must understand the resultant mortal danger to themselves and their families. Police won’t protect them forever, and cannot protect thousands of their relatives and associates. Voting for relinquishing Jerusalem to Arabs should be a suicide, literally.
But we cannot rule the millions of Palestinians indefinitely. Nor do we need to. The number of Palestinians is vastly exaggerated both for political and economic (UN subsidies) reasons. The real number is closer to two millions. Polls indicate that at least a third of them want to emigrate, including 70% of the young. Leftist Israel actually impedes their emigration instead of wholeheartedly encouraging it. Being helped with visas and resettlement bonuses, young Palestinians would leave the West Bank and Gaza an aging society, dying out in the matter of a generation. Blockades and curfews, limited water supply and closure of Israeli markets would force working-age Palestinians to emigrate.
Even now, one percent of Palestinians live on the 58% of land in Judea and Samaria. The land is empty, prone to Israeli annexation without significant dislocation of the Palestinians.
But the world, what would it say about Israel? It will keep saying the same things Jews should have gotten used to during the two millennia.