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As Goes Lebanon So Goes the Middle East

Watching the news a moment ago my Beloved Curmudgeon noted that the newscast used and entire 3 minute segment on whether or not the United States had been wiretapping Princess Diana prior to her death in 1997. Following that segment, there was a 30 second segment on the looming crisis in Lebanon.

The crisis in Lebanon is of Biblical proportions and yet it only warrents 30 seconds of time on the evening news.

If Lebanon falls, the middle east will be rocked with even more chaos and anarchy. The jihadists are emboldened, thanks to the perceived weakness of the United States. Of course this has been helped along by the constant undermining by the main stream media, the progressives and the silly report put out by Baker and Hamilton.

Our enemies have tried to warn us repeatedly. Our allies are virtually jumping up and down, waving, trying to get our attention. Still, we sit in front of our television sets and PlayStations and ignore the Global War on Terrorism that is swirling all around us. So far, we have been relatively untouched. Not to worry, our ability to ignore the rest of the world is quickly coming to an end.

If Lebanon falls, the same process will begin in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait and Egypt. Then the process will begin in France, England and other European countries with large muslim populations. Israel will not likly be able to survive a scenerio of this magnitude. The only way the United States will be able to survive would be to garner an enormous army.

The students so comfortable in their ivy league schools, who so quickly 'protest' anyone who says something they don't like, and then return to their Mercedes to drive to their suburban homes, will have to take a stand on something that REALLY matters. They will be taken out of their comfort zones this time.

It seems that everyone, but America, understands what's at stake. Everyone. It seems that everyone is attempting to wake Americans up. They can't seem to get our attention and are becoming increasingly desperate. Everyone knows America is the only nation capable of dealing with the enormity of this problem. But America sleeps.

Even worse, America is insisting on sending out messages that we are not willing to do what has to be done to end this. We lack the will. Just like every time in the past that we've buried our heads in the sand, more people will die because of our unwillingness to sacrifice even our most meager comforts.

Pope Benedict XVI calls this a grave moment in history. He pleads with the world to pray for Lebanon and provide assistance. He calls the situation grave and urgent.

I also hope that the international community will help to identify urgent pacific and fair solutions necessary for Lebanon and the entire Middle East, while I invite all to prayer during this grave time.”

The Lebanese people are protesting against hezbollah. Following the assasinations of Christian leaders in Lebanon, the protests have intensified.

Cardinal Sfeir , the highest Christian spiritual authority warned that “wars start with words”. He cautioned that the insults and aggressive statements against government individuals are bad news for Lebanon as they spell evil for the future of this country.

Sfeir warned that no one one is thinking about the Lebanese people, whose aim is to survive with their families in harmony and away from violence. But unfortunately these continued protests are making it impossible to survive, since the economy as a result of these protests is in despair.

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah is trying to warn the world of the dire consequences should Lebanon fall.

"Our Arab region is besieged by a number of dangers, as if it was a powder keg waiting for a spark to explode," he told the rulers of the oil-rich monarchies gathered in Riyadh for a two-day meeting.

Abdullah warned that Lebanon risked sliding into renewed civil strife as a result of the current standoff between pro- and anti-government camps.

"In Lebanon, we see dark clouds threatening the unity of the homeland, which risks sliding again into... conflict among the sons of the same country," he said.

Israeli leaders are watching the situation with a clear understanding of what it means for Israel.

Israeli officials warned Sunday that the fall of the moderate Lebanese government could lead to the establishment of an Iranian proxy state on Israel's northern border and increase the probability of war between the two nations.


"If the Saniora government falls, it means that Lebanon will be controlled by the long arm of Iran,"

Lebanon chaos is Israeli nightmare.
JERUSALEM – Israel is deeply troubled by menacing Hezbollah-led mass demonstrations in Beirut, fearing it could lead to a permanent and dominant Iranian-Syrian presence on its northern border.


In that event, Iran again would be able to threaten Israel with massive rocket attacks from Lebanon if Israel or the US takes military action against Iran’s nuclear program. In other words, the Iranians again would be able to use their Hezbollah card to deter Israel from trying to stop Iran from going nuclear.


“If Hezbollah gains sway in Beirut, Lebanon will become the first Iranian protectorate.”

This dire, urgent, grave, evil situation is unfolding right now and our media determines it should get 30 seconds of coverage in the evening news. The warning signs are everywhere and still America sleeps.. The longer we avoid this conflict, the more will die because of it.


Raven at And Rightly So calls these our Days of Infamy.

I got to thinking…the winds of weakness are coming over America once again. With the Lemoncrats ™ in charge of the House now, and that Iraq Study Group report upon us- have we forgotten the days of our infamy? Does December 7th and September 11th have any pull at all, anymore?

I think not.

Bernie at Planck's Constant says Bush was right, we'll have to fight them here.

crossposted at Blue Star Chronicles

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