He's Got it Right
This may sound like major braggadoccio on his part, but… this particular Muslim has put his finger exactly on the pulse of the West! An exchange on Umma.com (H/T: Little Green Footballs) between a Westerner and a Muslim. The Westerner said:
July 28, 08:54 PM
agathon - The apparent [Thāhir] is that it is (permissible) for us to kill their women and children- even if it means that we lose profit/benefit from it [since keeping them alive is a profit/benefit because they become the property of the Muslims]; (and killing them in this situation is permissible) due to it threatening the hearts of the enemies and a humiliation for them.
Any community that believes this should be removed from existence. Any philosophy that preaches this should be banned from practice, be it in the western hemisphere or the east. This is why the US needs to fight this war in Iraq. Sooner or later, this will become a war against Islam, and Islam will become a distant memory.
I have no doubt that as this obvious non-Muslim commenter (whose account was suspended) says that if the current situation around the world continues unabated we will be heading towards a West versus Islam war. I’m also convinced that the Muslim who answered has a very realistic understanding of the sad situation in the West:
July 28th 9:01 PM Cartman - agathon, you are a fool if you think anyone can defeat islam. In general, we muslims are more zealous about our religion, and you can guarantee that almost every muslim government is going to take part, while not every non muslim government is going to take part because of the lack of interest for them.
Cartman has assessed the situation in the West, perfectly! IslamoFascists make no secret of their designs on the world of the kufar - infidel. Yet, just like the West did not believe that Hitler would do what he carefully delineated in his Mein Kampf, the same lethargy, or dislike for inconvenient, uncomfortable, truths prevalent then pervades the psyche of the West now. There is a real enemy at the gates, but he is not the one that scares me. The enemy within is far scarier, far more dangerous and holds the real key to the defeat of West.
I have often quoted Cicero saying, in 42 B.C.E.:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor - he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation - he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city - he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.“
As true , as visionary, as Cicero’s words were in his day, they are at least as much if not even more true today! But even those who refuse to pick up the gauntlet and would rather sit idly by the side, are seditious under the circumstances… As George Orwell said in the Partisan Review, in 1942:
Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help out that of the other.
In the early 20s Oswald Spengler noted in his Decline Of the West, that because of a loss of spirituality in the West we are ripe for disintegration and takeover by a more committed people. The current Pope, a few month ago, talking about the de-Christianization of Europe alluded at that same loss of spirituality in the West. Churches and synagogues preach a love of life and remain more empty than full, fiery extremists Imams preach the cult of death and their mosques are filled with enthusiastic believers…
We muslims are more zealous about our religion, and you can guarantee that almost every muslim government is going to take part, while not every non muslim government is going to take part because of the lack of interest for them.
Unless we, the infidels, in the West wake up and are willing to step out of our artificial comfort zone and face the threat, rather than be lulled to sleep by false prophets (bought and paid for by the would be conquerors!), unless we are willing to rise and take decisive action… Cartman, as quoted above will be proven 100% right!
Think about it, gentle reader, think about these words very carefully… What will it take for the Western masses to wake up and smell the danger while they still have time to act?
Crossposted at: Freedom's Cost
Labels: dhimmitude, Islam, islam jihad islamic muslim, muslim culture, United States