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Thanks Far-Left

By Todd Anthony

Well, it was inevitable…

One particular demand of the far-left fringe groups has been met. A major player in the Democratic Party is calling on the Congress to "censure" President Bush.

According to the Associated Press, "Liberal Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold said Sunday he wants Congress to censure President Bush for his management of the Iraq war and his ‘assault’ against the Constitution."

Thus it begins, ladies and gentlemen. The Democratic Party has OFFICIALLY caved to the far-left by opening this particular can of worms.

It’s on…

While the Democratic Party claims malfeasance, they actually are only making this country weaker. Through their greedy shrill calls for impeachment, as well as their sickening displays of pandering, their bloodlust has forced the country to the brink of emasculation.

Essentially what the “Defeatocrats” are committing is party suicide. Little do they know that in the event of another major terrorist attack on this country, the good citizens won’t be blaming the President for “creating terrorists,” as the Left loves to declare.

Rather, it will be the Democrats who have truly broken the will of this country through their sheer sedition.

"But Feingold's own party leader in the Senate showed little interest in the idea. An attempt in 2006 by Feingold to censure Bush over the warrantless spying program attracted only three co-sponsors."

Sarcasm: that’s "good news." I thought would have assumed that Harry Reid and Nance Pelosi WERE that naïve and greedy for far-left support that they would have climbed aboard this runaway “censure” train. Surprisingly, they were not.

Feingold has two censure resolutions in place. Here is the crux of Feingold’s resolutions:

The first resolution would reproof Bush for, "getting the nation into war without adequate military preparation and for issuing misleading public statements. The resolution also would cite Vice President Dick Cheney and perhaps other administration officials."

The second resolution would censure Bush for, as the Democrats would say, "a continuous assault against the rule of law through such efforts as the warrantless surveillance program against suspected terrorists."

Here’s where Feingold speaks with a forked tongue, "This administration has weakened America in a way that is frightful."

What’s sad folks, is that he truly believes it. Actually, I’m afraid history has shown that appeasement and pacification does NOT work. Furthermore, the Democrats continued attempts to render impotent the government in its efforts to combat terrorism is truly weakening America.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Feingold's proposals showed the nation's frustration. But Reid said he would not go along with them and said the Senate needs to focus on finishing spending bills on defense and homeland security.
And in this report from The Capitol Times, Feingold is turning to the internet by pandering to the far-left’s hate machine, the Daily Kos, "Shortly after the show, Feingold posted a diary entry on the left-leaning blog the Daily Kos, saying ‘The last time I posted on Daily Kos, it certainly generated a lot of interest. As always, I appreciate how honest and passionate the Daily Kos community is about the issues that matter, and even when we don't agree it was important to have the civil exchange that we did.’"

However, many Daily Kos readers, as well as activists believe the measure to censure the president is essentially, a feeble effort. According to Buzz Davis, chairman of Veterans for Peace, "It is good that he is doing that. What he should be doing is demanding impeachment…Censure against these men is like asking killers if they'd please put down their guns."

Here’s where the Left and far-left really show their disconnect with mainstream America. Davis equates censure with "asking killers if they’d please put down their guns."

And he’s NOT kidding! These fringe-groups do not realize that they are in essence asking Islamic terrorists to "put down their guns."

It’s not difficult to interpret the rhetoric of the far-left. Seemingly, their mission is to emasculate this country until we are a shell of our former selves…

Thanks, far-left.

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