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Killing isn't enough for Islamists

Why is it that the Islamists around the world, specifically in Iraq right now, can't just kill their victims?

Kidnapping, detaining, killing isn't enough for them, they must slowly torture, mangle, decapitate, then display their victims. And what is even worse is that the victims are not just strong healthy men, they are the old, the weak, women, children, babies. The Islamists who do this are evil, barbarians, uncivilized, unfit to live in the modern world. They want to bring civilization down to their level. How can you deal in a civilized manner with these people? You can't. You cannot negotiate with them, you canot reason with them, you can only defeat them. That is the only thing they understand.

What do they have against their victims? Nothing other than they are not Sunni, or not Shiite, or not Muslim... Their victims are just available. These Islamists are not men, they are scum.

The bodies of 17 Shiite construction workers were found in an orchard outside Baghdad, kidnapped and decapitated in apparent retaliation for an attack on Sunni Arabs last week, and at least 14 other people were killed Saturday, mostly in sectarian violence around the country.

The workers' headless bodies were found Friday outside the city of Duluiyah, 45 miles north of Baghdad, along with four other unknown victims, also beheaded.

The killings of the workers were apparently retaliation for the Wednesday kidnapping of three Sunni Arabs in Duluiyah by a Shiite militia based in Balad, police said. The three were killed and their bodies burned.

Under pressure to take stronger action to put an end to militia violence, the Shiite-led Interior Ministry intends to carry out significant changes in high-level positions at the ministry, which is in charge of the police. source

Members of the 'ministries' are corrupt, have been sited for human rights violations, are complicit in the violence and killing. Members of the Iraqi military and police are guilty and complicit. How do you tell the good guys from the bad guys?

Around dawn, a Shiite family of four were killed in Mahmoudiya, about 20 miles south of Baghdad, army Capt. Oday Abdul-Ridha said. Abdul-Ridha said assailants dressed in military-style uniforms had stormed into the family's house. [snip] In Baghdad, an employee of government-run TV was killed in a drive-by shooting Friday night, police said. source

It doesn't matter who you are, what your job is, whether you are male or female, adult or child, you are a target for mutiliation and death if the Islamist can get his nasty hands on you.

Evil lives in the hearts of these men.

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