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It's War or Annihilation

It appears that we are closer to war between Somalia and Ethiopia.

There are reports of Arabs arriving in ships to support the Islamic opposition in Somalia. Lacking the resolve and the initiative to settle the Middle East conflict, how will the "World Community" handle this one? Talk, talk, and more talk. To everyone who thinks the US should send forces to Africa to prevent the upcoming slaughter I ask how we can do that? I do wish we could send troops there. The problem is logistical. With troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and still in Bosnia how do we send a reasonable sized and affective force to Africa?

The easiest way to get the Islamic tide to recede in Africa is to start killing them in Iraq and Afghanistan. Seeing as the battles in Africa are mostly between Arabs and Africans, we need to find a way to get the Arabs out of Africa. Killing Arab terrorists is the easiest way to do this.To prevent a full fledged World War the Middle Eastern region needs to truly feel the affect of American Might. By conducting a war as it should be, the Arabs would have to return to defend their own homes. This would give Africa a reprieve and potentially eliminate the major terrorist threat.

The most pathetic idea that the West constantly puts to the forefront to avoid war is human rights violations. Here's my question, isn't living and dying under oppression a human rights violation? Isn't government sponsored genocide a human right violation? Isn't the ritual practice of rape, torture, and murder a human rights violation? Isn't raising children to be murderers and homicide bombers a human rights violation? It's time to drop the hypocrisy. Cowardice is a human rights violation. Being unwilling to do what is necessary, whether you like it or not, is a human rights violation. Putting your childrens life at risk to defend a terrorist is a human rights violation. Telling me not to defend my family is a human rights violation.Enough is enough. It's time to start fighting.

All this talk about a draft doesn't really bother me. Although I never liked the bureaucracy of the military I did enjoy my time in the Navy. I felt like I was contibuting something. I have written about the necessity of setting up a group of irregulars. I did so in hope that somebody with the means to would take me up on that. So far, nothing. If the "World Community" will do nothing then it is up to the individual.Evil is on the march. Good men and women are dying while everyone watches on TV. The US government appears to be ceding it's power to weak and whiny nations. This doesn't bode well for the world's future.

The United States is in this position at this point of time because we are expected to wield the power we have attained for good. Not wielding this power is the equivalent to fleeing from evil. This is cowardice. Cowardice is the most evil of all vices.

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