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Questioning Justice

Justice was served. The trial and execution of Saddam Hussein was justice.

It was not a perfect trial, none are. The screeching from the anti-war, anti-American, and Islamist crowd is nothing but background noise. Had Saddam stayed in power these executions would be occurring a hundred times a day. The very people calling the trial and execution unjust would be screaming that we aren’t doing anything about it. These very people were talking about removing Saddam before it was accomplished. Now they want to know what justification we had in doing so. These very people, who lambaste and castigate governments for dealing with Despot’s instead of toppling them, change sides as soon as the despot is toppled. How is this justified?

These same people scream for their government to protect them and then do everything they can to prevent the government from doing so. They want to know how the dots weren’t connected then take the pencil away from the government. These people want everything but refuse to pay for it. They want others to pay for it. They believe they have a right to the money that I earn. They believe they have a right to the house that I live in. They believe they have a right to take the food from my table and put it on their’s. They believe that the government should make this happen. How did this mindset come about?

What makes a person believe he has a right to something that others have? What makes a person scream for justice then scream against it when it has happened? What makes a person believe that the man that topples the evil is actually the evil one? What makes people believe that the world would be better if Saddam were still in power? How many tortured, raped, and murdered Iraqis must there have been before the Untied States was legitimate in its actions? How many Mothers, Fathers, and Grandparents should have been taken from their families before intervention would have been acceptable? Why does Saddam have more of a right to life than his subjects did? I have nothing but questions and none of them can be answered by the anti-war, anti-American, Islamist crowd without showing themselves to be hypocritical liars.

Saddam deserved to die. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad deserves to die. Khalid Misha’al deserves to die. Hassan Nasrallah deserves to die. Any head of a terror organization deserves to die. Anyone who sends others, strapped with bombs to commit murder, deserves to die. The idiot that puts the bomb on his person deserves to die. Saddam execution was justice and justifiable.

The death of Saddam put certainty into a nation that hasn’t had that for awhile. Saddam will not make a surprise escape and come back later to punish those who revolted. There will be no more dying under his orders. The Iraqis have a legitimate chance to build anew. Whether they do it is up to them. All the screaming from the bleeding heart fascist’s does not matter. The only purpose they serve is to provide opeds to the NYT, LAT, Washington Post, and other bleeding heart rags and websites. Saddam is dead. Thank G-d.

Originally posted at bigasrants.townhall.com

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