France Kicks Out Extremist Muslim Clerics
France had the right idea three years ago, expelling an extremist Muslim cleric for advocating wife beating, stoning and other medieval Islamic views, although I would ask, "Why not all extremist Muslims and why not all Muslim clerics?" France has the largest Muslim population on the Continent and so rightly is less tolerant than many other countries in Europe in allowing radicals to spread their primitive and barbaric sermons in their mosques.
Abdelkader Bouziane was the fifth cleric expelled from France in the first few months of 2004 on charges of spreading a dangerously divisive brand of radical Islam (as if there were such a thing as a non-dangerous brand of radical Islam!). The country's kicked out dozens since 2001. It should also be noted that the Imam has more than a dozen and a half children with two wives ensuring that France will eventually have to defuse 18 improvised explosive devices as children are called in Islam.
The modern world is facing a crisis as it struggles to curb the spread of extremist Islamic thought and yet protect the civil liberties of its citizens. Sadly, it is a balancing act doomed to failure. Long ago, civilized society realized that it cannot grant the same rights to convicted criminals as it does to its law-abiding members. No sane, civilized person would object to banishing the sociopath from his country and should find no moral objection to doing likewise with members of the Islamic faith and for the same reasons.
Read the rest here.