This is a religious war
Their rule book is the koran. They get fatwa's issued from imams. They quote the koran and/or the hadiths for their actions. Their enemies are anyone who doesn't believe that allah is G-d and mohammed was his prophet. Their koran informs them that their mortal enemies are the Jews. Their koran guides them in their acts of murder and deception and provides them with islamic logic and reasoning. Their koran allows them to lie to non-believers. The list goes on.
These people who are labelled radicals by the relativistic and fearful crowd are followers of allah. They follow their koran literally. They see no reason to reform the religion because it is practiced as it was when mohammed invented it. In the minds of these people, the "moderates" qualify as apostates. They also realize that when the rubber meets the road, these "moderates" will take their side. This means that an army of 100 million radicals becomes an army of 1.2 billion radicals.
Their main enemy are the Jews. There is no room for tolerance in the islamic faith for accepting the fact that there are Jews living anywhere. Second on their list of enemies is anyone who befriends the Jews. Christians, Buddhists, secularists, leftists, rightists; it doesn't matter. The islamists are forcing people to take up sides. Those who claim to be neutral will be used and then discarded by the islamists. An islamist has no use for a person without some kind of conviction. Claiming to be neutral tags one as an ignorant coward.
Do not lull yourself into believing that this is not a religious war, it is. This is a war between faiths. Those who lack faith are unarmed and unprepared for this war. The islamist invokes his religion for every action he takes. They cite the koran word for word and follow it. Unlike the Bible which has been manipulated by power mongers from time to time, the koran cannot be taken out of its context. It says that Jews are apes and dogs and doesn't disclaim it later. It states that infidels should be subjected as slaves or killed and never rescinds that.
The islamists have taken over communities and countries through violence and hatred. They are attempting to rewrite national laws to fit their Sharia and the "neutralists" are helping them. Freedom of speech is the first of the laws of democracy that is under attack. They are attempting to add exceptions for vocal freedom by creating blasphemy laws. These laws are only for blasphemy of the koran however. Yet the "neutralists" would rather have the violence quelled as opposed to having peace. These "neutralists" are the ones that will eliminate our individual freedoms. These "neutralists" who want everyone to "just get along" are willing to cede our rights in order to grant extra rights to the islamists. I digress.
I have chosen what side I am on. I support Israel. I support the Jews. I am American. I believe in liberty and freedom. I believe G-d granted me free will and that it is mine to use. I believe their is an accountability for what I say and do. I am a Christian.
This makes me an enemy of the islamists. According to my faith, I am a soldier in G-d's army. I will fight for what he has given me. The allah that the islamists pray to is diametrically opposed to the G-d I worship. My G-d is consistent and lives up to his promises. My G-d will chastise me when I have done wrong and will reward me for even the most trivial righteous action or word. The islamic allah is about death. Death by any means, but especially murder. My G-d considers it a sin to lie to anyone even non-believers. My G-d will not suffer a liar. Allah seems to thrive on it.
The Bible versus the Koran. G-d's chosen and adopted against Satan's dogs. This is what I believe. I am not a warmonger nor a person that hates for sport. I see war coming and there is no way to prevent it. The actions that politicians are taking today are doing nothing more than delaying the war and creating a situation where the war will consume the planet and be far worse than it had to be. The delay will only shift the onus to our children and their children. By allowing another generation to pass means there will be more "neutralists" and less soldiers that are properly armed.
The islamist can afford to wait. The longer they have the better the odds for them. They know that the Jewish and Christian faithful are presently on the decline. They know that the more they continue their terror attacks and utilize propaganda, and manipulate governments, the more "neutralists" they'll create. They also know that they will attract people to their side purely for reasons of violence. This islamic allah lives up to the definition of the Biblical Lucifer perfectly. He is the king of death and lies.
Will you choose a side?
posted at Gentile Warrior.
These people who are labelled radicals by the relativistic and fearful crowd are followers of allah. They follow their koran literally. They see no reason to reform the religion because it is practiced as it was when mohammed invented it. In the minds of these people, the "moderates" qualify as apostates. They also realize that when the rubber meets the road, these "moderates" will take their side. This means that an army of 100 million radicals becomes an army of 1.2 billion radicals.
Their main enemy are the Jews. There is no room for tolerance in the islamic faith for accepting the fact that there are Jews living anywhere. Second on their list of enemies is anyone who befriends the Jews. Christians, Buddhists, secularists, leftists, rightists; it doesn't matter. The islamists are forcing people to take up sides. Those who claim to be neutral will be used and then discarded by the islamists. An islamist has no use for a person without some kind of conviction. Claiming to be neutral tags one as an ignorant coward.
Do not lull yourself into believing that this is not a religious war, it is. This is a war between faiths. Those who lack faith are unarmed and unprepared for this war. The islamist invokes his religion for every action he takes. They cite the koran word for word and follow it. Unlike the Bible which has been manipulated by power mongers from time to time, the koran cannot be taken out of its context. It says that Jews are apes and dogs and doesn't disclaim it later. It states that infidels should be subjected as slaves or killed and never rescinds that.
The islamists have taken over communities and countries through violence and hatred. They are attempting to rewrite national laws to fit their Sharia and the "neutralists" are helping them. Freedom of speech is the first of the laws of democracy that is under attack. They are attempting to add exceptions for vocal freedom by creating blasphemy laws. These laws are only for blasphemy of the koran however. Yet the "neutralists" would rather have the violence quelled as opposed to having peace. These "neutralists" are the ones that will eliminate our individual freedoms. These "neutralists" who want everyone to "just get along" are willing to cede our rights in order to grant extra rights to the islamists. I digress.
I have chosen what side I am on. I support Israel. I support the Jews. I am American. I believe in liberty and freedom. I believe G-d granted me free will and that it is mine to use. I believe their is an accountability for what I say and do. I am a Christian.
This makes me an enemy of the islamists. According to my faith, I am a soldier in G-d's army. I will fight for what he has given me. The allah that the islamists pray to is diametrically opposed to the G-d I worship. My G-d is consistent and lives up to his promises. My G-d will chastise me when I have done wrong and will reward me for even the most trivial righteous action or word. The islamic allah is about death. Death by any means, but especially murder. My G-d considers it a sin to lie to anyone even non-believers. My G-d will not suffer a liar. Allah seems to thrive on it.
The Bible versus the Koran. G-d's chosen and adopted against Satan's dogs. This is what I believe. I am not a warmonger nor a person that hates for sport. I see war coming and there is no way to prevent it. The actions that politicians are taking today are doing nothing more than delaying the war and creating a situation where the war will consume the planet and be far worse than it had to be. The delay will only shift the onus to our children and their children. By allowing another generation to pass means there will be more "neutralists" and less soldiers that are properly armed.
The islamist can afford to wait. The longer they have the better the odds for them. They know that the Jewish and Christian faithful are presently on the decline. They know that the more they continue their terror attacks and utilize propaganda, and manipulate governments, the more "neutralists" they'll create. They also know that they will attract people to their side purely for reasons of violence. This islamic allah lives up to the definition of the Biblical Lucifer perfectly. He is the king of death and lies.
Will you choose a side?
posted at Gentile Warrior.
Labels: allah, Bible, Imams, Islam, jews, Koran, Lucifer, Mohammad, Neutralist, Satan