Dania Al-Ghalib: Saudi Women Are Always To Blame For Their Problems
MEMRI, The Middle East Media Research Center just recently reported on February 8th, 2008 that the Saudi English- language Arab News published an op-ed by Dania Al-Ghalib titled, "The Saudi Woman Is Always Guilty." This article was op-ed was published in December 2007 just two months ago.
According to the op-ed Al-Ghalib reasons that Saudi women were not wanted at birth, is guilty if she speaks and guilty if she remains silent. The article continues on to ones horror stating that it is a woman's fault for being raped. But I will stop here, because I have this article here for you to read in its entirety.
This op-ed is an eye opener to say the least and it most definitely depicts the brainwashing of Saudi women from birth that they are of little value and or consequence.
This lends credence to the fact that the degeneration of women in Saudi Arabia is still dictated by a 10th Century mantality and that the women in Saudi Arabia suffer on a daily basis at the hands of their male dominant counterparts. Sadly many of these women believe the following just as does its author. The following according to MEMRI is how the op-ed originally appeared.
Read and behold the sick mindset in the cities and towns, homes and madrassa's - in the land of Saudia:
Not once in this op-ed is Islam mention or how their religion is the reason their theocracy is thriving - worse, that it is Islam that epitomizes this mindset and that in the Hadith's, which outline the life of their Prophet Mohammed - it was his sick lifestyle that was the foundation of this mindset.
There is no humanity for Saudi women and that is because Islam is about dominance of all things woman. To control women they must demoralize them, intimidate them, and make them as the dogs in the street - otherwise the men could not justify this inhumane behavior. Suffice to say that it is the Koran and Hadith's that permits such treatment of women and demands of the men to enforce this treatment of women.
The Saudi women live behind the veil, literally.
For more on misyar, or pleasure, marriages, see MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 291, "Pleasure Marriages in Sunni and Shi'ite Islam," August 31, 2006, http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives&Area=ia&ID=IA29106.
Crossposted from The Hill Chronicles.
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According to the op-ed Al-Ghalib reasons that Saudi women were not wanted at birth, is guilty if she speaks and guilty if she remains silent. The article continues on to ones horror stating that it is a woman's fault for being raped. But I will stop here, because I have this article here for you to read in its entirety.
This op-ed is an eye opener to say the least and it most definitely depicts the brainwashing of Saudi women from birth that they are of little value and or consequence.
This lends credence to the fact that the degeneration of women in Saudi Arabia is still dictated by a 10th Century mantality and that the women in Saudi Arabia suffer on a daily basis at the hands of their male dominant counterparts. Sadly many of these women believe the following just as does its author. The following according to MEMRI is how the op-ed originally appeared.
Read and behold the sick mindset in the cities and towns, homes and madrassa's - in the land of Saudia:
"The Saudi Woman is Born Unwanted"
"The Saudi woman is guilty. She is guilty of being born in a male-dominated society. Her fault is that she grows up in a society that stigmatizes her sex as a sin. She is held accountable because society believes she is underage - even if she is in her 60s -and implements a guardianship system over her as if she were a second-class citizen. It is very common for a Saudi woman - a widow or a divorcee - to have her young son as her guardian, and she needs his written permission to carry out official paperwork. He is in control of her life and her destiny.
"The Saudi woman can be blamed for living in a male-dominated society that opposes many rights for women despite the fact that the Prophet (peace be upon him) - the best of all humans - consulted a woman and listened to her advice. The Saudi woman is guilty of living in a society that confuses tradition with Islamic obligations, and idolizes what it sees as the latter to the extent that when she wants to discuss or object, she is accused of rebellion. Her fault is that society considers her an item of her guardian's property. He can do anything he desires with her without asking her opinion or even listening to her.
"The Saudi woman is born unwanted. Everybody wants a male child rather than a female one.
"She is Guilty If She Remains Silent and Guilty If She talks"
"This innocent creature is forcibly taught what is prohibited and shameful before even knowing how to speak. She is guilty if she remains silent and guilty if she talks.
"She is guilty if she is divorced and guilty if she cleaves to her husband and children when someone tries unjustifiably to destroy her marriage. Her only refuge is prison, where she has the right to say no. She has lost all her rights and has fought for one that allows her to live only behind bars. Her sin is that she tried to protect her marriage and family. But traditions and customs challenged and destroyed her attempts.
"The Saudi Woman is Guilty for Being Raped"
"The Saudi woman is guilty for being raped, in darkness or in daylight, because her society wants her locked in, producing legal children and never leaving her house unless she is dead and of course accompanied by a guardian. She is guilty when brutal beasts tear her body and soul apart, threatening her with weapons and defamation because society believes she subjected herself to them and she deserves what happens to her.
"She is guilty because society prohibits her from driving and forces her to live at the mercy of a foreign driver. He might rape her one day or make money by allowing others to rape her, and then she will be the one who is blamed for having put herself in such position and went out with a driver without her legal guardian.
"The Saudi Woman is Guilty Because She is Part of her Guardian's Property"
"The Saudi woman is guilty because she is part of her guardian's property even when he is a criminal, serving time in jail and he marries her off to his colleague in prison who is awaiting execution. Society is aware of this and apparently sees no harm in such. In fact, the community blessed this marriage and arranged for them to be legally alone together. And the woman's fault is that she is the daughter of a criminal.
"She is Guilty when Others Confiscate Her Property... by Impersonating Her - And Her Greatest Sin is that Her Identity Stems From Her Guardian"
"The Saudi woman is guilty of being haunted by spinsterhood and not accepting misyar and all other types of male-invented marriages. She is also guilty if she accepts being abandoned by her husband when he feels tired and bored with her and wants a new wife. She is guilty if she objects to anything and her legal guardian beats her until he breaks her ribs or permanently disfigures her. His right is to beat her and make her obey and listen, even if that means deforming her physical features as a woman and taking away her beauty.
"She is guilty when others confiscate her property or real estate by impersonating her, and her greatest sin is that her identity stems from her guardian. The Saudi woman is always guilty and anyone who thinks of dealing with her humanely is a criminal."
Not once in this op-ed is Islam mention or how their religion is the reason their theocracy is thriving - worse, that it is Islam that epitomizes this mindset and that in the Hadith's, which outline the life of their Prophet Mohammed - it was his sick lifestyle that was the foundation of this mindset.
There is no humanity for Saudi women and that is because Islam is about dominance of all things woman. To control women they must demoralize them, intimidate them, and make them as the dogs in the street - otherwise the men could not justify this inhumane behavior. Suffice to say that it is the Koran and Hadith's that permits such treatment of women and demands of the men to enforce this treatment of women.
The Saudi women live behind the veil, literally.
Crossposted from The Hill Chronicles.
Labels: Saudi Arabia, Women's Rights