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The Muslim Petri dish

To avoid charges of Racism, Bigotry and Islamophobia, many commentators when criticising Islam try to ameliorate the sting of their remarks by closing their arguments with the meaningless phrase, "Of course not all Muslims are terrorists," as if one can easily look into the heart and soul of our Muslim guests and immigrants and easily distinguish one from the other.

The effort is futile. They will still be called racists, bigots and Islamophobes by Muslims and their apologists. But why even bother uttering the obvious? Of course, not all 1.5 billion Muslims are terrorists. But so what? The problem with allowing Muslims into our country is not that there might be one terrorist out of a thousand; the problem is that the other 999 make a fertile media in which the terrorist may thrive.

But, you may interrupt, the Amish in America have not really accepted the American way of life so why don't you criticise them? Well, that may be true in part. Like Muslims they dress modestly or at least differently, like Muslims they have a very high fertility rate (6.8 children per family!), like Muslims their lives follow a very strict set of guidelines, like Muslims the Amish are averse to any technology, and one can find hundreds of other similarities. What distinguishes the Amish from Muslims however is one thing, the most important thing and the thing that makes the Amish completely harmless: they do not care to forcefully convert anyone to the Amish faith. If, however, the Amish Ordnung contained the phrase Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them." [Quran Sura 8.12], then I would do all in my power to have them deported or interned even though they be born American citizens.

If a hundred-thousand Amish moved into Bayonne, my city would profit from their industry and wholesomeness. If ten Muslims moved in, it would be the beginning of the end for my town and eventually civilization as we know it.

The problem with Muslims is the Petri dish problem. If you have an empty Petri dish it is impossible for bacteria to grow, but put in just the tiniest amount of agar agar and you have the proper environment in which to grow bacteria. So it is with Muslims. Terrorists by themselves cannot live in isolation. They would be too easy to spot, their activities too easy to monitor, their plans too easy to discover. But put a thousand Muslims in an American city and you invite terrorists to come there. How would anyone be able to distinguish the lone terrorist from among the moderates? One cannot. Money, food, lodging, and support, all these things would now be available to him from those who are not terrorists themselves but are sympathetic to his cause.

Read the rest at Planck's Constant

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