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Muslim Clerics Reaching Out To The Pope

From Random Thoughts @The Religion Of Peace:

This is almost more than we can stomach. Twice now we've come across the news headline "Muslim Clerics Reach Out to the Pope" to describe an open letter by 38 Muslim scholars to Benedict XVI in response to his suggestion that Islam has a violent history. One would think that the pope is a lonely or deeply disturbed man, needing the company of others to set him straight in his ways as these scholars are so graciously doing.

In fact, the letter was sent the day after Muslims in Iraq beheaded a Priest after holding him and torturing him for two days because they were angry at the Pope's words. They not only cut off his head, but his other limbs as well. There is no mention of this in the letter. Perhaps it occurred too late for the scholars to incorporate it into their text. Fair enough.

But wait! There is no mention of the Catholic nun who was gunned down at a children's hospital by a disgruntled Muslim nearly a month earlier or the other Christians who were killed around the same time. As a matter of fact, there is no mention at all of any of the brutal acts of violence that the Islamic religion pours out on the world each and every day.

Instead, the letter is a study in narcissism, trumpeting the virtues of Islam while blatantly failing to apologize for or even acknowledge its crimes past or present.

This is the reality of the Muslim world today. It is deeply self-consumed and emotionally immature, so willing to blame anyone but itself for the smallest of problems by which it is affected, while pathologically incapable of taking responsibility for the horror that it inflicts on others.

Yes, there is a dialogue that desperately needs to take place, but it is within Islam itself.

Yes Indeed! Self-consumed and emotionally immature. So Allah and Mohammed trump all other prophets and expressions of God? Even to the condesending (and murdering) of all other religious leaders? I guess that's ok in their view. Remember this?

Anjem Choudary said, "The Muslims take their religion very seriously and non-Muslims must appreciate that and that must also understand that there may be serious consequences if you insult Islam and the prophet.

"Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment."

He added: "I am here have a peaceful demonstration. But there may be people in Italy or other parts of the world who would carry that out.

"I think that warning needs to be understood by all people who want to insult Islam and want to insult the prophet of Islam."

As well as placards attacking the Pope such as "Pope go to Hell", his followers outside the country's principal Roman Catholic church also waved slogans aimed at offending the sentiments of Christians such as "Jesus is the slave of Allah".

Suppose we just say Death to the Mullahs (scopes be upon them) for insulting religion in general! They are so easily insulted that the joke is now not will they be insulted but with what?

Robert Spencer On The Muslim Veil-with added footage!

First the image of the prophet, then the message of the prophet, now the hijab of the prophet...What next, the hilal food of the prophet?

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