Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Israeli soldiers kill 3 Islamic Jihad militants

CNN reports:

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israeli forces killed three members of the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad during a raid in the West Bank town of Jenin Wednesday morning, Israeli and Palestinian sources said.

According to an Israeli military spokeswoman, Israeli soldiers entered Jenin and tried to arrest Ashraf Saadi, a senior member of Islamic Jihad, as he was walking with two other members of the group. The spokeswoman said Saadi saw the soldiers and fired on them.

In returning fire, the soldiers killed Saadi and the other two militants, the spokeswoman said. An Israeli soldier was lightly wounded in the exchange.

Israeli security sources said the militants were involved in terror activities.

Palestinian security sources' accounts said Israeli undercover soldiers in a car, and backed by jeeps, opened fire on the militants as they were walking along a street, killing them.

What IS Palestinian security, anyway? Either way...there are three more Islamic militants with Mohammed now. Hope they don't mind a little heat. ;)

Good riddance.

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Fewer Rapes in Muslim Countries

Rape Victim in Iraq
Originally uploaded by Krpasevananda.
That's right. There are fewer reported rapes in Muslim countries than in America.

In 2000, an estimated 62.7 of every 100,000 females in this country were victims of forcible rape. In America we now have rape crisis centers, we give medical treatment to victims, hundreds and hundreds of laws were passed to protect rape victims in the courts; mental health professionals are freely available, public attitudes about rape have dramatically improved over the past few decades, police no longer ask what the victims were wearing or how they were acting prior to the rape, and yet rape is still the most under-reported crime in America. I've read studies that say perhaps only 16% of rapes are actually reported to police.

Now imagine how many women would report a rape if she needed 4 male witnesses or 8 female witnesses to the act! If you had to take a guess, how many rapes are committed within eyeshot of so many witnesses? I doubt that there are 1 in a hundred, unless of course you count the 8 Muslim men doing the raping since they love to gang-rape their victims. Even more: how many victims would come forward if they knew that they themselves would be prosecuted for having sex outside of marriage if they couldn't prove the rape? And more: how many would come forward if they knew that they themselves would be hanged if they couldn't prove they were raped?

Read more here.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Pakistan Clerics Denounce Suicide Bombings... Well Not Really

I came across this story yesterday out of Pakistan about Islamic clerics denouncing suicide bombings. Sounds good on the surface but a closer look shows something different. It boils down to that they denounce the use of Suicide bombings against innocent civilians but that it can be used as a military tactic. So in their eyes it is totally understandable for someone to blow themselves up as long as it is under an enemy tank or in the presents of enemy soldiers. How sick that really is. But then again the Islamic material art school teaches this very thing in Australia and maybe even here in the United States. Here are a few noteworthy lines from the story:

Former minister Dr Mehmood Ahmad Ghazi said: “A suicide attack is clearly murder and its legality is further called into question by the fact that they occur in a Muslim state which is not occupied by infidels.”

In other words it would be ok if infidel were in the land.

Ahmed said that no final decree could be given on the issue, since a suicidal defence strategy was employed by the Pakistan Army at Chawinda to repel an Indian attack during the 1965 war, a strategy that was approved by the religious scholars of the time.

This is where they justify the use of suicide bombers as a military tactic. Sickening!

Determining the moral status of such suicide attacks is far too complex an issue to be sorted out by a mere ‘yes’ or ‘no’, he said: “After all, what can a Palestinian do when his parents and children have been killed, his house demolished and he has no means of earning a living any more?

First of all to insinuate that just because someone is poor they have to blow themselves up is absurd. This is something you are taught. Not to mention studies have found that most radical Muslims are very well educated and not poor.

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Is Radical Islam A Hoax?

The Muslim that I have been having discussion with on Youtube has recently made a video and named me (marked man) as quoting people that "wrongfully" portray Islam. He seems to insist that Radical Islam is just a big lie and that all these people Like myself and Robert Spencer are just lying. He seems to think that Radical Islam is not widespread. Yet it is not hard at all to find Imams preaching hate on Middle East television. And I continuely find and document Imams that are preaching hate and Jihad warfare. It is not hard to find at all especially in the Middle East. I want to say I appreciate him saying that I am a nice guy and that I am well intended and I believe the same of him. I just think he doesn't understand what the real problem is. He seems to think that people like me and Robert Spencer are more of a problem than the Radical Muslims. All that Spencer and I do are point out what Radical Muslims are saying and doing... Why is that wrong and why wouldn't moderate Muslims want these people defeated?? Anyway here are the videos

Here is my video response to him:

Here is the video he made that mentions me. This is the video I was responding to.

You can view the other video discussions I have had with this guy HERE and HERE

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Radical Imam in Canada

Just watch this video this Imam clearly wants to see Islamic Sharia Law in Canada where women and men are killed for adultery. Just have a watch... It kills me how these people will not answer any question directly about anything.

Here is the offical website of the Mosque that he is head of here:

I also found a blogger that wrote this Imam and had a discussion with him. You can read the whole letter HERE
One thing I thought was noteworthy is that this Imam separates himself from the rest of the Canadians when he says "First of all when you talk about Canadians, you sound like you are from the Canadian people, but not myself or the those being accused of terrorism."

Also there is this interesting article where they interviewed the Imam. He apparently used to work around Nuclear facilities and he also said Bush was behind 9/11. He also said Al Qadea supporters have found spiritual fulfillment at his mosque.

He has also encouraged Muslims in Canada not work with Law Enforcement READ HERE

Here is more info on this Imam HERE


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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Why Should Iran Listen?

There is no reason for Iran to pay any heed to the United Nations sanctions or threats of future sanctions. Even if legitimate sanctions were levied, there would be the normal gaggle of bureaucrats that would undermine them as they did with Iraq. The only way to halt Iran's nuclear development is to destroy it now. Talk is cheap and works to the advantage of the Iranians. The Mullahs are soaking all of this in and getting a good laugh out of it.

Iran has enough allies, both strategically and economically, to divert any major impact of economic sanctions on them. They also are holding the rest of the region hostage with their potential nuclear capabilities. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and the others are already realizing that the West is going to do nothing and that China and Russia are going to be benefactors of Iranian development. They are going to have to choose sides soon. The longer they wait the less likely they can get away with minor apologies to Mahmoud.

Iran may be playing a game. They may be bluffing the whole world as to their present abilities. They may actually only intend to use the power to run it's cities. The problem is do we trust them? The answer is a resounding no. They have continuously clamored their disdain for the West, especially America, and Israel. When the opportunity comes to develop a nuclear weapon they will do it. Five years ago the world said that Iran was five years away from having the ability to go nuclear. That five years has come and gone pretty quick. Now experts with minimal information are saying that Iran is 5-10 years away from having a nuclear weapon building capability. If this is true, the next five years will go just as fast. Based on the track record of these experts, I wouldn't doubt that Iran is more like 1-2 years away from a nuclear weapon. Also, who says they can't get what they need from their buddy Kim Jong-il?

Things don't look good for the home team. Russia is again on the other side. China is sitting back watching us go into convulsions about what to do. The European Union will end up appeasing as always. Ehud Olmert is as lost with this as he was with Hizbollah. Iran has no reason to pay any mind to what the "world" wants. It's like a kid whose parent continually threaten rebukes and do nothing. The Mullah's and Ahmadinejad know exactly what they are doing. We are living down to their expectations.

Originally posted at

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Legal Jihad training for terrorist?

I came across an organization called Silat Mubai International. They
claim to offer Islamic Martial Arts training. There website is at

One thing I found interesting was their statement on terrorism.
Here is a quote from their statement against terrorism:
"Muqawama (Resistance) operations and Martyrdom operations against
foreign occupation forces in Muslim lands are what we consider to be
legitimate Military operations as long as they are confined to enemy
personnel and not directed at the civilian population. "

So I guess they believe Suicide bombings are ok as long as it is only
used against occupying countries? Also it would seem with the above
statement they could justify attacks on US soldiers in Iraq. As well even though he may condemn the act on the World Trade Center he could probably justify the attack on the Pentagon since it is a military facility.

Also on their message board someone asked about Muslims fighting along
side non-Muslims this is the response they received to the question:
"It has been done. It is not standard operating procedure but it is
possible depending on what the Mujahideen commanders in a given
situation feel they need. And if you have something particularly
useful they need. But I do think you would be hard pressed to get
inside any Military/Paramilitary group if you're an outsider, whether
a Muslim group or not."

You can see the post yourself here:

Also when asked about Suicide Bombings this was the response:
"Martydom Operations: These are part of classical Islamic Military
actions and are completely permissible in Islamic Military law and
seen throughout our history as noble deeds of the Shuhada (Martyrs) up
to the time of the Sahaba (Companions of the Prophet).

1. In Martyrdom Operations the Maqtal (target) is a Military one or
enemy combatants.

2. The intention is to kill as many of the enemy in the operation as
possible while only expending the life of one person, the Shaheed

3. Civilians or civilian places like restaurants, bus stops, hotels,
can never be considered valid targets of a Shaheed.

Martyrdom Operations (MO) are an invaluable tool of the Mujahideen
(Warriors) and have been used successfully in War for centuries by our

You can read the whole thing here:

The leader of this group also justifies attacks by the Mujuhideen in
Iraq on US troops:
"If there are those Mujuhideen who decide to join their brothers in
Iraq to fight against the occupation forces, then they are justified
in doing so to relieve the people of foreign occupation and to
institute a proper Islamic government, God Willing. No one can stop
them from going to fight to protect the lands of Muslims who are being
attacked. It is their right to do so and as long as they follow the
guidelines of the Warrior Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
then they will win by martyrdom or by victory. One as excellent as the

You can read the whole thing here:

The leader of this organization is named Ustaz Hussein. Apparently
this group has training facilities in Australia and they have a
website setup for them here:

I am trying to see if this group has any training facilities in the US
but I haven't had any luck as of yet. Just thought all of this info
maybe of use to you maybe. I am very worried about this group and what
they could be teaching...

You can also read more about this HERE

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Difference between Islam and Western Civilization

Before I moved my blog to Movable Type from Blogger I received this comment mocking Western Civilization:

Systematic torture and sexual abuse at Abu Graib Jail and UK forces mindlessly beating innocent children in Iraq!!! The results of western civilisation? Is that what it taught you? These are definitely not isolated events. By browsing through the blogosphere one can smell the scent of hate for muslims gushing out from jewish and christian people. The muslims are just recovering from the political games of the cold war, which were instigated by western countries. Being civilised is not about hamburgers, BBQs, Beer and boobs, not to mention high tech living. It is about raising the level of human understanding. Being able to think and think about ones own thinking and actions. Both the Christian and Jewish societies, not all though, are behaving barbaric."

Read more here.

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Culture war of Islam on society

Since 9/11 Americans have been on alert to the real risks terrorist pose. The attack on 9/11 profoundly changed my life as I am sure it did yours. After 9/11 one could not look upon society and culture the same. America and its citizenry lost the innocence of just being carefree, just being able to come and go at ones whim - to be free now we had to really care and take note of how despicable and vile the 9/11 attacks were. To this day I still cry for the thousands lost and the families and friends left behind. Lives taken carelessly, recklessly, with no thought other than to kill.

It is amazing, ad least to me how many people tried to justify the 9/11 attack by implying we did something wrong- or that we somehow deserved it. No one deserves to be terrorized and killed. No one deserves the evil that al-Qaeda spreads in the name of their god. What kind of God tells you to kill your neighbor? Certainly not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Unfortunately, Christianity has in part fed into the anti-Semitism surrounding Israel and the Jews. In fact, Christianity has been de-Judeaized - yet it is Christianity that is an extension of Judaism, not visa versa.

The idiosyncrasies in Islam are monumental in comparison to other religions. First of all, Mohammed was epileptic; he was a pedophile - with a wife as young as six–consummating the marriage when she was nine. He would have been jailed by today’s’ standards - and even then, this behavior was looked upon with abhorrently.

Islam is also known for what their Koran says, “Kill the people of Saturday and Sunday” - in other words kill the Jews and Christians. There is no tolerance-just oppression and fear. In Islam one either chooses to live by the sword or to die by the sword, but either way one must know that in Islam the sword is ever present.

When I lived in the Middle East what struck me most about the culture and Islam was that they were synonymous. Unlike here in the U.S. where we pride ourselves on the perceived separation of church and state there is not such thing in the Middle East. Islam, culture, society, it goes hand in hand. Even Christians living in Egypt must succumb and abide by the Islamic dictatorship. There is no getting around it, behind it; this is ever present amongst the citizenry in the Middle East. Abide by the Islamic law or die. Speak against the “religion of peace” - be imprisoned and die. Everything Islam teaches - what it breathes and exudes is death.

Ironically, Muslims accuse Christianity and Judaism of being “bloody” religions. But when one studies the course Islam has heralded this is the most bloody religion to date having killed tens of thousands in the name of Islam-in the name of Jihad.

Something is terribly wrong within our society when people start looking for reasons that 9/11 happened, citing that it is our own fault–wrong, wrong, and could not be more wrong. No one deserved to be terrorized. Period. The mothers in the so-called Palestinian state are upholding their sons and daughters for dying for a worthy cause-Jihad in the name of Islam. What kind of mother rejoices in the death of their child for a cause that has no purpose other than to kill and destroy? What depravity lies in the hearts of these men and women?

The continued fear Islam perpetuates has caused people to appease and capitulate with terrorists. Sadly for us the terrorists have been successful in waging the inner war on Americans-causing Americans to be fearful many times in the wake of 9/11. This blind sided view has created a complacency that is only equaled to a pre-9/11 state - a false sense of well being.

The culture war of Islam on society is a battle that must be fought on the ground level. Basics must be learned when dealing with Islam. If you are the mindset like out forever capitulating President, George Bush, “that Islam is a religion of peace” - you are definitely wrong. There is nothing peaceful about Islam. The mentality that lies beneath Islam is do or die, kill and be prepared to be killed.

Of course Islam say that “God is a merciful God” - yes God is a merciful God, unless of course you are Muslim, then God is a dictator that demands tierney and death to all that are not of the Islamic religion. Those people, us, the people of Saturday and Sunday.

Crossposted from The HILL Chronicles

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Blogroll Buzz-Infidels Are Cool The Voice of Islam has posted a blog post about the audio teachings of an English speaking imam. It spells out the agenda and philosophy of "so-called" radical Islam.

The Voice Of Islam:Reminding The World To Convert Or Die.

Audio from an Imam (speaking English) deep-rooted in the fundamentals of Islam, not quite sure on the source, I’ll hopefully have an update soon. This should be a stark reminder of what we’re up against, Infidels!

Give this chilling audio a listen.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

In Search of Muslims against Terrorism

Today I thought I would do a google search for "Muslims against terrorism"

It was great to see The Free Muslim Coaltion at the top of the list. The Free Muslim Coalition has taken a hard stand against terrorism and names Hezbollah and Hamas and other groups like them as terrorist. But sadly The Free Muslim Coalition does not have much backing from the Muslim Community. I have been trying to find out from Muslims why this is but I have yet to receive an answer. You can see where I have asked HERE and HERE and HERE
I have yet to have a Muslim explain to me why there is not a huge Muslim backing for the Free Muslim Coalitions stance against terrorism. If there is a Muslim that would do so please drop me a line.

So I thought in searching google I may find other organizations that have taken a hard stand against terrorism like the Free Muslim Coalition and NAMED terror organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah. You would think this would not be asking to much considering they are considered enemies of our country. But apparently for many Muslims this is asking alot from them. Here are my findings in my google search:

While on the website the say 9/11 was horrible there is no mention of organizations that they consider terrorist groups.

Once again they call the events of 9/11 tragic but no mention of any organization that they consider terrorist.


This site is supposed to lists statements against "Terrorism" the thing that is humors about it is it actually list 2 terror organizations speaking out against the attacks of 9/11. Both Hamas and the Muslim Brother Hood both condemned the attacks of 9/11 according to this page. HA! To bad they are both terrorist organizations and both enemies of America. How Ironic is that a Terror organization condemning terrorism. What would make anyone think that we as Americans would look at that and say "Hey look Hamas has condemned the attacks of 9/11 the must be good guys." You have got to be kidding me. On to the next site....

This one is a petition against "Terrorism" looks a little better at first glance they actually name other attacks that they condemn besides 9/11 like the Madrid bombings and the beheading of Nick Berg. But still they do not name ONE terrorist organization by name that they condemn. And you also gotta consider this petition only has 104 signatures. Plus how many of these were actually Muslim or even legit.

This site also names Hamas as denouncing the acts of 9/11. Once again this is ridiculous considering they are an enemy of the United States.

Here you have the LARGEST Muslim organization in America. What is there statement against terrorism. They simply say "We are against acts of terrorism." Yes they condemned 9/11 but they do not name any groups they consider to be terrorist organizations. Actually they even name Hezbollah and Hamas as condemning the acts of 9/11. Once again this is crazy! These are enemies of our country and to name them as people speaking out against terrorism is obscene! Not only this CAIR is full of troubling things which you can read about HERE and HERE

Well I wont post more sites because all of them are more and more of the same thing I have shown above. None of them denouncing or calling any organization terrorist. All they say is "We condemn terrorist acts." Thats great but please define for me who commits these terrorist acts you are talking about. Well I started thinking maybe I am going about this wrong maybe I should search something like "Muslims against Hamas"
To my surprise nothing! Well wait a minute there is the Free Muslim Coalition listed again. But that is it. Not one single other Muslim organization came up condemning Hamas. And the same goes for Hezbollah.

I have come to the conclusion that the Free Muslim Coalition is the only organization of Muslims that are truely condemning terrorism. They are the only ones that are willing to NAME who the terrorist organizations are. Not one other group of Muslims are willing to do this. Not even the largest Muslim organization The Council on American Islamic Relations. So I think it is safe to say that many many Muslims among us even though they do not vocally support groups like Hams and Hezbollah they will not condemn them for their acts. For me that is very telling.... I do not believe it is ridiculous at all for the question to be ask of a Muslim "Do you sympathize with Hezbollah and Hamas?" I believe this short study I have done shows that is not a ridiculous question at all.... What do you all think?


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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Why I could not become a Muslim

When I was younger I was a rather immature and unfocused person. I had a low self-esteem and was needy. Though I had a good upbringing, two loving parents and an extended family that was supportive, I, unlike my sisters just did not have the self-confidence they exhibited. This lead me down a road I sometimes would like to just forget. But like all things in life your past is always present no matter how far removed you are from it.

I was 23 years old at the time I met and married my then husband - an Egyptian Muslim. Of course from the onset of that relationship I was continually encouraged to become a Muslim. During that time in my life I was disgruntled with Catholics, having been raised one. I felt there was too much hypocrisy in the church. That lead me on a search of different Christian religions and even Judaism. But I did not commit to any.

By the time I married my ex-husband I agreed to become a Muslim. I went through the motions, but I could never believe that Jesus was "just a prophet". To me Jesus was and always will be the Son of God, the Messiah.

While in Egypt, then later in Saudi Arabia I witnessed how women were treated as second class citizens. The stigmatization of women who were either never married and or divorced. The "rules" about a woman coming and going too much — you know like wanting to visit a neighbor twice a week for coffee and chats–more than twice a month in Egypt a woman is suspected of not taking care of her home or being loose. The litany goes on with all the little idiosyncrasies ascribed to women in the Middle East in so much as what they can and cannot do-or I should say are allowed or not allowed to do.

I could not visit Israel with my Aunt when she visited her best friend who worked for the American Consulate in Cairo, because if I did I would be denied entry into Saudi Arabia where my then husband was working. I was told I would be denied entry if my passport was stamped with the Israeli insignia. Sadly, I could not go and I was so, so close. For that I am forever disappointed and saddened.

I was left to live in Egypt with my then in-laws in Port Said, Egypt while my ex-husband worked in Saudi Arabia and applied for my visa to live there with him. I was continually told by my then in-laws how I was not a "good Muslim" and worse. I was told this because I refused to wear a scarf on my head and I did not pray five times a day.

My then sister-in-law actually asked me if her brother found me in the street or the garbage because they know "all" American women are not virgins and whores. Fortunately or unfortunately for me, depending on how you look at this, I learned to speak Arabic so I knew exactly what was being said to me and about me.

While in Egypt I became severely depressed. In a matter of three months I went from 120 pounds down to 95 pounds. I could barely eat, not by choice, but I had no appetite for food. I drank a lot of tea and smoked like a fiend. I became so out of touch with reality that I did not even realize I was three months pregnant with my second child until I passed out one day.

When my visa to travel to Saudi Arabia was authorized I then went to live there. That was another story all together. I lived not far from the American compound of Aramco between Al-Khobar, where I lived at the time, and Dammam. I had to wear the nijab (A nijab is when your body and face are completely covered. Some variations are slits for the eyes so the woman can see, but in Saudi Arabia this was not allowed so you had to wear a black chiffon scarf over the face so the eyes could not be seen through the slits– I likened it to seeing through very dark sun glasses. As a sidebar, I also had to wear gloves, not required by Islam, but because if I did not the men would see my white hands and right away want to talk to me and ask me questions. So I wore gloves to avoid any contact with males while outside my home when shopping, even when my then husband was with me.) - because I had heard that American women who did not wear the nijab were beaten by police on their legs. I also heard many stories of American women disappearing and being taken into "harems" by "friends of the Royal Family" or "members of the Royal Family" and being continually raped, then killed once "used up." I became fearful for my life while I lived in Saudi Arabia.

I myself at one point was "almost raped" when I was seven months pregnant with my second child. We were visiting my ex-husbands boss at his chalet. I asked to use the bathroom and he said he would show me where it was. My ex-husband obviously trusted him as he allowed him to direct me to where the bathroom was. When I opened the door of the bathroom my ex-husbands boss was blocking the door and then tried to accost me sexually. I ran away and went outside where my ex-husband was sitting and said nothing to him. I could not say anything at the time because if I did I could have been jailed. That is how it is in Saudi Arabia.

When we arrived home later that evening I told my ex-husband what happened. Fortunately that was one of the few, and I mean few times he stood up for me. He left his position at the company to work for another company and that was the end of that. Nothing was ever reported to the police. It was not talked about. But I did almost have a miscarriage due to the shock and trauma it caused me. I was in such bad shape the doctors actually had to order special medicine for me from Bahrain that I had to take for the remainder of my pregnancy so I would not miscarry.

These are just some of the things I experienced while living in the Middle East. If I wanted to I could really write a book. Perhaps I will one day, but not today. I still have a hard time dealing with the many things I experienced while in the Middle East at the hands of some very evil people who thought they were doing "good in the name of Islam."

It would be unfair of me not to tell you that I did not meet many wonderful men and women who were good, kind, and generous. Ironically, these people did treat me so much better than my then husband and his family.

By the time I came back to the United States I literally kissed the ground at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. I was so thrilled, happy, grateful, and appreciative to be home. After some more years of a tumultuous and violent relationship with my ex-husband I finally could not allow myself to pretend to be a Muslim out of fear of reprisal. I spoke up and told him that I was a Christian and that I believed Jesus was not only the Son of God, but my Lord and Savior. I then divorced him.

Unfortunately the divorce was ugly and my family became divided. My children from that marriage live with their father because they share his Muslim beliefs. For me it is bitter sweet. They are my children whom I love dearly, more than my life, but several of them believe I am a Muslim hater and that I abandoned them, which was never the case. But like all true Muslims do, they first brainwash you - then pollute you with their hate.

I could not become a Muslim because I believe in Jesus - I could not deny that He is the Son of God - I could not deny that there was no way to the Father except through Jesus. Like it is said in Proverbs, "Train up a child in the way that he should go and he will not depart from it."

Yes, like the prodigal child I wandered, but in the end I did not depart from the core beliefs my parents taught me as a child. For that I thank God.


***A Special Note: Special thanks to Debbie Hamilton from Right Truth for her prompting me to write this. Without her encouragement I would not have done so out of fear of criticism.

Crossposted from The HILL Chronicles


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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

About that veil

Crossposted from The HILL Chronicles

Muslims are already dealing with the radicals in their midst? Yes, that’s what a I read in on MSNBCs’ Newsweek International - in a back issue from October 30, 2006.

I do not believe any Muslim really knows what it is to deal with radicals. After all, it is the westerners that have been subject to their brand of radical Islam. And I have no pity or sympathy for this nonsense.

"Must one be more Muslim than Mohammed?" It’s astonishing how often I am asked this question. Europeans are finally waking up to the fact that it is Islamism, not Islam, that is hostile to everything Europe holds dear. Women’s rights. Secular law and education. Tolerance of gays and different faiths.

The very principle of reason as superior to superstition, the science of Galileo and the free speech of Voltaire—all is under threat from a totalitarian politics disguised as religion.

Europe is not about to descend into a new war on belief. But there’s no mistaking the change in climate. In Britain, Jack Straw, leader of the House of Commons, touched off a storm by suggesting that Muslim women should not wear a full-length veil. It was socially divisive, he explained, "a mark of separation" rather than community. When Prime Minister Tony Blair subsequently agreed, he only reinforced the impression that the country is heading toward even deeper tension between Muslims and non-Muslims. The trend lines are similar elsewhere, whether in France (with its riots) or the Netherlands (with new laws banning the head-to-toe burqa in public) or Belgium (where in recent municipal elections the anti-immigrant Flemish Bloc nearly won control of Antwerp.) (emphasis mine)

I ask the question why come to a western country knowing that ones formal religious dress in not accepted and or tolerated? I ask why should a country, any country, change the way things are done, what their customs are for another chosing to reside in a country not their own? Because no Islamic country will give one the voice to speak up and out against what the people want or do not want - complete dictatorship.

About the veil, I could careless about that–there are much more important issues than that veil. But having said that I will state that some have taken this too far, such as the case in Florida where one Muslim woman recently sued to be able to have her driver’s license photograph taken with her wearing the nijab (the covering of ones complete face-except for the eyes, which are allowed to show through a very narrow slit) on her driver’s license. That is ridiculous. How would any police officer be able to identify her or any other woman that decides to wear the nijab for their photo I.D. - or driver’s license. It makes absolutely no sense. The purpose of formal identification is not just for the law enforcement but for our own protection - especially in cases such as identity theft or worse, a crime.

So where does that leave this issue? Open to much debate, much critique, and much criticism if you are not sympathetic to Muslim women wearing the nijab-anywhere, especially on that I.D. or driver’s license.

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Fight now or Die painfully

There should be no bickering or bantering about the Mecca Accords signed by Hamas and Fatah. Nothing new came out of Mecca. Hamas is still a terrorist organization and Khalid Mashaal is still an enemy of Israel. Refusing to denounce terrorism and refusing to recognize Israel were not attained therefore there is no reason to open the money faucets or dialog with the "Palestinians". Khalid Mashaal should still be at the top of the list for those awaiting assassination.

Mahmoud Abbas caved to everything that Hamas wanted. This was either out of agreement with the proposal, defeatism, or cowardice. Any way you look at it, the accords fail to come anywhere near a peace proposal. Fighting between Hamas and Fatah has only subsided while they protest the dig in Jerusalem, another bogus crisis. Ideologies cannot be tamed nor controlled for any length of time. Hamas and Fatah were both founded on the principle of destroying Israel. It is the responsibility of the Palestinian Authority to carry out these actions. From birth "Palestinians" are taught to hate Israel and work for it's destruction. Until the "Palestinians" have truly suffered defeat and been forced to realize that their allah is not going to save them, they will fight Israel.

To defeat this ideology it's foundation must be destroyed. This means going to war with one of the worlds "Great Religions". 1.3 billion people claim to be Islamic. This will be one heck of a war. Trying to ignore that this is a religious war is creating more deaths daily. Generation after generation of Islamists are being raised to hate and to proselytize. Seeing as the Islamists conceive at a higher rate than others, half the world will be Islamic within a century. Then what? All of this liberty and freedom we take for granted will be something relegated to a page or two in the Islamic history books. Then it will be deemed a second dark ages.

Quit playing games with these people. We are playing by a set of rules that they don't apply to. In fact they use these very rules against us. We focus on our own failures which allows them to advance their cause and ideas. We hold ourselves to a standard yet allow them to do whatever they want. To fight a vicious cunning enemy one has to be more vicious and more cunning. Things must be done that would turn a good man's stomach into knots. We did not create this situation we just made it possible. By refusing to fight early on we have created a situation where the coming war will be both devastating and atrocious.

Ignore the words and platitudes of the terrorists. We know Iran and Syria fund these groups. They are our enemies. Any other nation that funds these groups must be added to the list. When the list is compiled, declare war against those on the list. If we don't do it, they will do it to us. It won't be long before a busload of American school children is blown up. A church somewhere will be destroyed. A synagogue will be toppled. A suicide bomber will practice his deed in a taxi in a busy downtown section of New York or Los Angeles. Because we are not annihilating the terrorists in their backyard they will be practicing their evil in ours. September 11th will seem like just another bad day when these evil fanatics start practicing their acts here.

Israel has been experiencing this since it's inception in 1948. They supposedly have tired of the fight. This can't be allowed to go on. Israel is the frontline against these maniacs. If Israel goes, then Islamic enemy will takeover Europe and work it's way here. Fight evil or become evil. This is the only option we have. I prefer to fight.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

The Infidel Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Ayaan Hirsi AliAyaan Hirsi Ali has written and published her autobiography, Infidel.

As a 22-year-old Somali Muslim, Ayaan Hirsi Ali disappeared en route from Nairobi, Kenya, to an arranged marriage in Canada, and fled to the Netherlands. A decade later, she won a seat in the Dutch Parliament, where she became known as an advocate for women and a critic of Islam. She collaborated with Theo van Gogh on a movie that depicted abused women with passages from the Koran written on their skin. In 2004, Mr. van Gogh was shot dead in Amsterdam by a Moroccan immigrant, who then staked a letter threatening Ms. Hirsi Ali onto Mr. van Gogh’s chest, sending her into hiding for a while. Three months ago she landed in Washington as a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Her autobiography, “Infidel,” will be published in English on Tuesday. Recently she spoke to Laurie Goodstein, a reporter for The New York Times.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali decries that:
We in the West would be wrong to prolong the pain of that transition unnecessarily, by elevating cultures full of bigotry and hatred toward women to the stature of respectable alternative ways of life.

The current trend of political correctness does not tolerate views that allow for the fact that it is not 'radical' islam that is at war with the West, but 'ordinary' forms of islam.
She also describes how horrified she felt as an adult after Sept. 11, 2001, reaching for the Koran to find out whether some of Osama bin Laden's more blood-curdling statements -- "when you meet the unbelievers, strike them in the neck" -- were direct quotations. "I hated to do it," she wrote, "because I knew that I would find bin Laden's quotations in there." And there were consequences: "The little shutter at the back of my mind, where I pushed all my dissonant thoughts, snapped open after the 9/11 attacks, and it refused to close again. I found myself thinking that the Quran is not a holy document. It is a historical record, written by humans. . . . And it is a very tribal and Arab version of events. It spreads a culture that is brutal, bigoted, fixated on controlling women, and harsh in war."

That moment led Hirsi Ali to her most profound conclusion: that the mistreatment of women is not an incidental problem in the Muslim world, a side issue that can be dealt with once the more important political problems are out of the way. Rather, she believes that the enslavement of women lies at the heart of all of the most fanatical interpretations of Islam, creating "a culture that generates more backwardness with every generation."

Ayaan Hirsi Ali will live under a fatwa for the rest of her life as a result of leaving islam. As a former muslim, she can teach us a lot if we are willing to listen.



Crossposted at Blue Star Chronicles

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Arabic Music

1966. I was 21 and waiting to board a bus headed toward the only un-drownable lake on earth, the Dead Sea. When I got on, the Arab driver had the radio tuned to station 677 Jordanian Radio transmitting from Ramallah. A woman was singing this most beautiful song in Arabic. When I finally got off the bus two hours later, she was still singing the same song. It was during this bus ride that I came to love Arabic singing.

As an aside, when I tuned into 677 Jordanian radio during the 6 Day War I found that it stopped broadcasting.

For those who do not know, Arabic is a horrible language to hear spoken - but when sung - it is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. An analogy would be hearing Italian spoken by the Sopranos and then listening to La Boheme.

Read more here.

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Islamists touting growing rise of Islam in America

Crossposted from The HILL Chronicles

A reader gave me a link to where they gladly inform you that you can find anything Indian. While browsing the site I came across a blog post, Muslims and Islam in America. Basically the article touts that Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the United States today and has become the second largest religion in the United States. Well I suppose if you are a Muslim that would make you proud. However, I as a Christian find this alarming in that our was founded on Christian/Judeo principles.

In a population of about three-hundred million people living in the United States any movement, ideology, or sub-culture (gothic example) can generate a substantial following. Consider that a majority of this rise of Islam is most likely due in part to the large immigration of first generation Arab/Muslims in our nation. I noted that the blog post did not mention this very important fact.

Interestingly the article mentions Rep. Keith Ellison becoming the first Muslim in U.S. Congress going on to site some facts on Ellison. In fact, they encourage you if you are interested in Islam to visit GaramChai’s extensive mosques section and get in touch with Muslims.

More alarming is that they have a section on the History of Islam in America which takes you to a link here. You will note when you read the article there that many facts are misrepresented and skewed — not surprising at all.

Clear evidence of the presence of Islam in America begins with the Moriscoes who accompanied the Spanish invaders.

Following their time, great numbers of Muslim slaves were imported to this continent to work on the plantations of the South. They were troublesome slaves, as they often incited rebellion among other enslaved people and were sometimes not desired for servitude because of their history of "being difficult to manage."

"In fact, at one point during the African holocaust, importation of bondsmen from certain nations and areas of Africa that were predominantly Muslim became prohibited. Afccording to Dr. sulayman Nyang of Howard University, some of the nations banned were the Jalofs, Biafras, Mandingos, and Hausa-Fullah. An estimated 25,000 Mandingos, 45,000 Fullah, 15,000 Hausa and 5,000 Muslims from other communities were brought to America between 1726 and 1806.1"

As many at least ten percent of the African slaves came from Muslim backgrounds. Many of these Muslim slaves were highly literate. Their literacy clearly set them apart from the rest of the slaves (and most of their owners). As Sylviane A. Diouf points out, the hostility of the slaveholders expressed toward the literate Africans derived not from fear that their property would trick them in some way. Rather, the hostility described by Theodore Dwight, the secretary of the American Ethnological Society, arose because in the eyes of the slaveholders literacy was dangerous. The Africans’ skills constituted a proof of humanity and civilization that did not owe anything to the Christians’ supposed civilizing influence and therefore represented a threat to the notion of whites’ intellectual domination and refutation of the belief that Africans were inherently inferior2. Most of these Muslims remain anonymous or are little more than names in slave-property lists. But much evidence of the Muslim presence has survived 3. In spite of the effort to wipeout the slaves’ Islamic identity, Islamic practices and beliefs remained strong with many of them. Sulayman Nyang points out, "To the best of my knowledge, there is no evidence of any African Muslim slave family that survived slavery and maintained Islam as a way of life."4 While the materials available relating to the presence of Muslims in America during this historical period is gradually increasing, the story of these Muslims remains little known outside small segments of the African American Muslim community. (emphasis mine)

I emphasize the gradually increasing because from the research I have done what they are reporting here is more made-up than actual truth. If you follow the above link "materials available" the site suggests further reading about Muslim slaves in America.

Ironically in checking my reference regarding slavery in America Islam is not mention, though that is not meant to suggest that some of the slaves brought to America at that time were not Muslim. But the inference in the above is sheer exaggeration of truth since I could find no validation for this, except on Islamic sites. That should make one question why.

Of course I found the endorsement of CAIR where there is a variety of downloads available in English and Arabic. One topic in particular caught my attention, which was the Ethnicity of Converts found here. It is a pie chart breakdown of Muslim converts.

I note as you do that the largest conversions come from Black Americans only second by white Americans. That is a huge percentage and says to me that somehow Christianity is failing these people miserably that they would even consider converting to a religion founded on "conversion by the sword".

What I did not find was CAIR contribution as American citizens to the United States - their host country. Unfortunately their allegiance is not to the United States, or even their originating country, but to Islam first and foremost. That in and of itself should concern you greatly.


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Why Thomas Jefferson had a Koran

Crossposted from The HILL Chronicles

I previously wrote on an issue involving Rep. Keith Ellison, a Muslim, and the Koran. I had said in my article, "Democrat Keith Ellison, the first Muslim to be elected to the U.S. Congress, after Ellison announced he plans to have his oath of office photo taken with the Koran, not the Christian Bible, as is tradition." Ellison was sworn in last month to serve in the House of Representatives as a United States Congressman after being elected last November from the 5th district of Minnesota.

He demanded use of and received permission from the Library of Congress to use Thomas Jefferson’s own personal copy of the Koran on which to swear his oath of allegiance to the Constitution at the inauguration ceremony.

Ellison, who was born in Detroit and converted to Islam while in college, said he chose to use Jefferson’s Koran because it showed that “a visionary like Jefferson” believed that wisdom could be gleaned from many sources.

The Library of Congress loaned out Jefferson’s rare copy of the first English language translation of the Koran ever made directly from the Arabic text. It was published in London as a two-volume set in 1764. There were many individuals that had complained about Ellison’s choice and quite an uproar was raised over the whole ordeal. Has anybody happened to ask why it was that Jefferson felt the need to own and read a copy of the Koran?

As the third president of the United States, Jefferson had no CIA to feed intelligence data to him and to his national security advisor. As a matter of fact, Jefferson had no national security officer. Times then were quite different of course.

Jefferson needed that copy of the Koran because he was desperate to learn something about Islam from that religion’s written de facto standard of all things Muslim. And you ask why? Because the United States was going to war in the early 1800s against conservative, Wahhabi-type, radical Muslims. Something obviously Rep. Ellison did not know or conveniently chose to ignore.

During the early years of the United States when our foundation was being laid, our forefathers fought an international group of terrorists who, like today’s conservative, Wahhabi-type, radical Muslims, made no distinction between geopolitical nation states. They were called the Barbary Pirates. They were from the Barbary Coast of North Africa. Allusion to the affair can be found in the words “…to the shores of Tripoli” mentioned in the Marine Corps Hymn.

Jefferson also deduced that the best way to learn about the political, military, social, economic, and religious agendas of America’s enemies was to read the best textbook on all things Muslim. So he read the Koran in what for his day was a state-of-the-art translation into English directly from the Arabic. Jefferson’s copy of the Koran equipped him with everything he needed to know on how to respond to threats from the caliphates of the early 1800s.

In response to a declaration of war on the United States of America by the Barbary Coast caliphates, Thomas Jefferson sent the USS Constitution to the Mediterranean in 1803. The fighting during those days saw so many acts of heroism that established the U.S. Navy as a force to be reckoned with.

In 1805, the Constitution supported the landing of Marines “on the shores of Tripoli” in an action that later was immortalized in the Marine Corps Hymn. The Americans and their allies destroyed the harbor citadel at Derna that served as the headquarters for the pirates.

The first blue-water ocean-going war machine of the new United States Navy turned the Tripoli harbor from state-of-the-art fortifications (state-of-the-art for 18th century Muslims, that is) back to 7th century piles of rubble. The United States Navy literally freed the Mediterranean and the world from domination by militant Islam for nearly 200 years.

The crew of the USS Constitution beat the tar out of those international terrorists. That led to a peace treaty that lasted for almost two hundred years until September 11th, 2001, when conservative, Wahhabi-type, radical Islam killed nearly 3,000 Americans.

Jefferson’s resolve to fight had its beginings in his reading the Koran as the best source of the time that was all things Muslim. Jefferson knew that 18th century Americans were in danger from what we call today conservative, Wahhabi-type, radical Islam.

Mr. Ellison, you will keep all of this in mind as you serve as the first Muslim elected to the House of Representatives, won’t you?


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Friday, February 09, 2007

Asalamu aleykum: No we Americans are not Islamophobics

Crossposted from The HILL Chronicles

Why is it when Americans voice their right of freedom of speech regarding the growing trend in America to appease Muslims and Islam, dissenting saying this is wrong, we are labeled Islamophobics? Muslims do not mind pointing out how the U.S. or the West in general is lascivious, sinful, and not living according to Allah’s God’s will. And by who’s standards do they judge us by? They judge us by their standards of Islam. Now what if we were to label them Christianophobics, Judeophobics, or Westernophobics? Muslims in this country and around the world would be outraged, and rightly so.

Now tell me where is the true outrage amongst Americans’ or other Western countries in reference to being labeled Islamophobics when we do not compromise to the dictates of Islam? It was once said to me when I was living in Egypt that I must try to stop changing peoples views to a Western view of ideology. I was advised to remember that your country is like your blood, it is always with you - that I was to conform to the Egyptian lifestyle, no one would conform to my Western views or ways of lifestyle while in Egypt.

That was sound advise and true. We all have heard the saying, "while in Rome do as the Romans do." Certainly that does apply to Muslims choosing to live in the U.S. or any Western country. After all, we did not force them to come to our nation, we did not hold them hostage to remain in our country. It begs the question I asked in one of my previous articles regarding this very issue. If it is so uncomfortable to live in a Western society then why come here if we are so evil? I would think that one would want nothing to do with a nation and its citizenry if it is so abstract from ones beliefs that one feels incompatible with a society so different in their ways culturally and religiously.

Everyone that has come to the U.S. legally has come to improve their standard of living - to obtain a piece of the ‘American’ pie. I would begrudge no one that right when it is done legally of course. I do not begrudge any Muslim that is honest and good - or any person of any religious persuasion or ethnicity that fundamental right. It is God’s gift to humanity to live free and in peace amongst one another. However, it has been man and his desire to control lands, peoples, dominate by religion or ideology that have hindered this God given gift.

I do not believe Americans are Islamophobic any more than I believe I am an infidel. People that lay stakes to such claims and labels I tend to believe are the persons suffering from the very nature of prejudice that they accuse others of. Not all Muslims believe Americans are Islamophobic, infidels, or evil, but those that do make it very difficult for moderate Muslims to live any place comfortably and or without controversy.

When I lived in Egypt I really never missed many of my freedoms from home. Basically I could come and go as I chose. Certain taboos were explained to me, which I observed out of respect to their country and citizenry, but I was not restricted except when it came to speaking of the government. Of course Egypt is a dictatorship and when you live there, citizen or not, you keep your opinions to yourself and never say anything contrary to the establishment. That was my only restriction.

Now when I lived in Saudi Arabia - that was a totally different scenario all together. Aside from observing the customs of the land - any foreigner male or female had to adapt to and abide by Islamic law. This meant I could not come and go freely, I could not, as in Egypt, speak against the government - in that case the King and the Royal Family. I had to wear the nijab. I could write some horror stories about American women that refused to wear the nijab and were beaten on their legs for ‘exposing’ themselves. I could have been rebellious and refused to wear the nijab, but wisdom at times dictates even when one does not personally agree with it. My point in sharing this with you is that I learned while living in a foreign country - even a country such as Saudi Arabia that I never felt safe or secure in - I had to observe the laws of the land and respect the religion of the land.

So I ask you why can’t that also be implemented in the U.S.? I am not saying Muslims should not practice their religion, but should Muslims force their religious beliefs, restrictions, and or doctrine on a nation just because they are not comfortable in how we believe and live? They came to this country no more ignorant than I did when I chose to live in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. I knew what I was letting myself in for and so does every Muslim know what they are letting themself in for by coming to live here.

The ideology taught in Islam is to live amongst the infidel (or non-Muslim) peacefully and perhaps persuade them to your beliefs by kindness and peace. The Q’uran does also teach that if after a time you cannot win them (the infidel) by your behavior then to take them over by the sword. We have seen this happening in the wake of 9/ll and even prior dating back to the 1970’s with airplane hijackings and making unrealistic demands by holding people hostage. It does not work, but those Muslims acting out terror continue on in the vein of Jihad (or Holy War).

Muslims are not the only religious group to stake claims to terrorism. Christians are guilty of the Crusades and then the terrorism that plagued Ireland for years-the killing of so many Muslims in Kosovo and many more over the centuries. But todays headlines are filled with terror attacks around the world and suicide bombings in Israel and unfortunately for the moderate Muslim it has made their lives difficult. Not all Muslims are terrorists but all the terrorists are Muslim.

By calling Americans or any Westerner Islamophobic because we do not agree that the means justifies the end is just wrong. Should we call all Muslims terrorists? No, of course not. The trend in our country to label people with acronyms is alarming. What ever happened to agreeing to disagree?

No we Americans are not Islamophobics - but we are a Judeo-Christian nation founded on those principles and it is wrong for anyone to come to this nation expecting us to change the very foundations of our country just because it does not conform to their religion and or customs. The Hispanic populous has done this quite successfully. Spanish is becoming the language of the land while English speaking Americans are taking a back seat. They have set the ground work for all other minorities to persuade the government and judicial system that they have these rights because we are a ‘free nation’. Yes, we are a free nation - but we are not free to minimize the beliefs and customs of one set of peoples to accommodate another. There is enough room in America for all peoples to co-exist. After all, most Saudis living here at one time or another have made contributions to building neighborhood Mosques, but you could never build a church in Saudi Arabia. So I find it extremely hypocritical and insulting when Muslims refer to Americans as Islamophobic.

America gives so much money to Arab nations without asking for accountability. But ironically the U.S. has never given Israel money, only loaned money to Israel and made at times ridiculous demands on Israel in order for them to receive the loan. We support Arab nations financially, but loan Israel money. But Americans are Islamophobic?

Perhaps Muslims who are feeling threatened by the American way of life need to choose if they want to continue living in this nation, or at the very least watch who they call Islamophobic - because America is the least Islamophobic nation and peoples in the world supporting their nations financially, respecting their culture, and religion.

Our America is not Allah’s America-our America belongs to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. If any Muslim does not know that - you have now been told. If any Muslim has a problem with that - there are plenty of Muslim countries to reside in. If a Muslim chooses to live in the U.S., respect our country - it is you that must adapt, not us.

We are not Islamophobic, we are Americans that have welcomed Muslims into our nation with open arms. But we are Islamophobic?

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Courting Satan

Originally posted at Biga's Rants on 2/7/07

Anyone who has spent, or wasted, time reading my blog realize how much I despise Khalid Mashaal. He is at the top of my list of people who just need killin'. I have often enquired as to why this man is still vertical. I have recommended that any agency serious about peace with Israel could make a move of good faith by killing Mashaal. When Syria made it's bogus overtures of peace I recommended that Bashir Assad's first duty to attain peace with Israel was to kill Mashaal. I completely and utterly despise this man who I have never met nor does he know me. One of my criticisms of Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu was his giving in to former President William Clinton's pressure to provide the antidote to Mashaal after the Mossad had poisoned him. This was straight out of a dime store detective book.

Now it appears that the talks taking place in Mecca between Abu Mazen and Khalid Mashaal are going to provide "legitimacy" to Mashaal. It is being reported that part of the deal to set up a "unity" government with Fatah, Mashaal will be demanding the position of Deputy within the PLO. In the name of "stability and peace" he will get it. Lucifer will then have a position that makes it more likely for him to usurp Abu Mazen and take over the PLO the old fashioned Islamic way, murder. Of course he won't be the one pulling the trigger or detonating the bomb. It will all be under his guise. The trail will lead blatantly back to him and no one will care. To care would be to upset the "critical balance of stability and peace that the Palestinians have been striving for". Poppycock!

Hosni Mubarak was second in command to Anwar Sadat. Sadat was assassinated and Mubarak is still there. Saddam Hussein usurped his own family then massacred hundreds to take his seat of power. Mashaal will top them all in evil deeds. The previous two are/were mere practitioners of evil. Khalid Mashaal is evil itself. If this earth bound he!!spawn is given any level of legitimate power, all is lost. With Mashaal there is no room to have even an ounce of hope. Darkness will have fallen on the Middle East and we might as well wait for the nukes to start flying and blood to flow relentlessly.

Satan has a name, it is Khalid Mashaal. Satan has an army it is the PLO, PA, Hamas, Hizbollah, Fatah, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, and any other gaggle of ill repute that will pledge friendship and/or allegiance to Khalid Mashaal. I have stated over and over that Abu Mazen was living on borrowed time. If Mashaal is given any position within the PLO he better have all of his insurance paid up and the casket ordered.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

George Bush - Evil Genius and the Invasion of Iraq

It's everywhere. Visit any forum on steroids, cars, ipods, whatever, invariably you will find a rant about how George Bush engineered the destruction of the WTC just so he could invade Iraq to help his oil buddies1. Liberal blogger idiots post articles about how it was all about getting rid of Saddam months before 9/112.

As a result of the 2006 elections it is easy to calculate that about half of this country's voters are composed of morons and idiots (sadly this includes even conservatives). As proof I offer this Zogby poll3 indicating that if you threw a rock at a bunch of New Yorkers, there is a 50-50 chance that you'll hit an imbecile who thinks US Leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act".

So let's see what we have here:

George Bush, being the exceedingly evil genius that he is, begins to plan the invasion of Iraq a few days after he is inaugurated. He has thousands of military personnel deployed to begin wiring up the WTC buildings for a controlled demolition and done under absolute secrecy. None of the tens of thousands of WTC workers or those employed there suspect or detect anything during months of the entire operation and not one single soldier tells any spouse or relative or friend what is going on.

Read more here.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Terror and Unmarriageable Muslim Men

muslims praying
Pray (3 of 15)
Originally uploaded by xrichx.
In my previous post China's one Child Rule and unintended consequences, I wrote "By 2020, China's government predicts there will be 30 million more men than women - an unintended consequence of the strict one child policy." Responding in the comment section, David from Third World County had an ominous query: "I've wondered about that quite a lot. Is it an entirely unintended consequence? What, I wonder, might be the purpose a totalitarian, expansionist government might have for some 30 million frustrated males, hmmm? Surely not as cannon fodder in an army where quantity of troops takes on a quality all its own? Surely not."

Although David posits a scary suggestion about China militarily in the future, there already exist today hundreds of millions of frustrated, sexually-starved, unmarriageable Muslim men who can best be described as yet to be deployed IEDs.

Centuries ago, infant mortality among backward people kept the Muslim population in check. But with modern medicine and gazillions in oil revenues for better hospitals, Muslim families can be as large as 50 to 60 children. And if you are not directly in the oil pipeline almost none of the males will have any decent prospect for employment or enough wealth for a financially crippling wedding or a decent mahr (dowry) to give to the bride. So although there is no significant imbalance of males to females, Muslim mothers pop out more babies than the culture is able to economically absorb.

Read more here.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Say Goodbye to Israel

The present path chosen by Ehud Olmert will lead to the end of Israel. Unwilling to confront Iran and apparently softening on his stance towards Hamas, Israel is preparing for its death.

"If the international community joins forces and applies the necessary restrictive measures on the economy of Iran, it will force Iran to reconsider its position," said Olmert. If Europe, the US, China and Russia join forces, he continued, "they can create such damage to the Iranian economy that it will force them to reconsider." Olmert made it clear that he believes that the Iranian threat "is not as close as the Iranians want us to think. They are not as close to the threshold as they pretend to be. There is still time to fight in a comprehensive responsible manner."

IF the international community joins forces...? This hasn't happened since 1941. What is this man thinking. They couldn't even join forces to come up with legitimate sanctions against Iran. They refused to enforce resolution after resolution against Iraq. For years they did nothing to Quadafi. They sat back while people in the Sudan and SOmalia were annihilated. They turned their heads when millions were slaughtered after the American withdrawl from Vietnam. They can't even unite on how to deal with South Africa, Haiti, or Liberia. What's this join forces mullarkey?

Olmert appeared to have softened in his resolve not to enter into any discussions with Hamas. "We will cooperate with any Palestinian government that will accept the principles of the Quartet," he declared.

So if Hamas feigns recognition Ehud will be right there in a photo-op with Haniyeh and Mashaal. Isn't this just wonderful?! GO on and help those that are calling for your country's decimation. They want you dead and you just want to be friends. Give me a break! How did this man get into the position of power he is in? That's right, the Israelis elected him. They have themselves to blame for his ineptitude and what it is going to cause.

WHy do I get the feeling that it wasn't George Bush who thought it was ok to give money and arms to Abbas? The more I read the more I start to think that this request came directly from Olmert. My President's actions can be stupefying but this one went beyond ignorant. The horrendous potential of a fully armed Fatah aimed at Israel made no sense to me. The more I hear Mr. Olmert speak the more I realize that he may be the catalyst for the coming war.

Somebody get Netanyahu on the phone.

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UK Letter Bombs

Two Letter bombs exploded in UK:

(AP) A suspected letter bomb exploded at a business center southwest of London Tuesday, injuring two people, police said.

Emergency services were dealing with a small explosion at 9 a.m. (4 a.m. EST) at a company in Oaklands Business Centre, Wokingham, Thames Valley police said in a statement.

Police said it was "likely" that an item of mail had ignited and caused the "small explosion."

It was too soon to say whether the explosion was linked to a letter bomb that detonated in central London Monday, injuring one person, police said.

On Monday, a padded envelope exploded at an office belonging to Capita Group PLC, which administers the $16 daily fee for vehicles meant to cut down on traffic in central London and collects television licensing fees.

Vantis PLC, a tax and accounting company, confirmed it was targeted in Tuesday's attack. Vantis also handles government contracts.

Army bomb-disposal units surrounded the company's office, which is part of business park comprised of red-brick office buildings.

Looks like homegrown angst but I'm still watching carefully...

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Nice Cease Fire / Big Surprise / Gaza Video

It appears that Haniyeh and Abbas are about as affective as Arafat was. A ceasefire followed by gunfights followed by a ceasefire followed by gunfights. Tell me again why the "Palestinians" deserve their own country? They can't get along with themselves let alone their neighbor Israel. I have asked the question twice and I'll ask it again, where is the outrage? Children have been killed in crossfires and bullet sprays and no one in the World Community is up in arms.

Here's a prediction, there will be no peace in the Middle East. Israel will have to fight for it's existence for as long as it can. The rest of the Middle East will continue to be a cesspool of hatred and war. No level of diplomacy will ever solve the problems that these people have. The modern approach to warfare will not solve the problem. Unfortunately only a war of complete annihilation will eradicate the problems in the Middle East. The West has no stomach for this. This being said, we will face acts of terrorism for as long as Islam rules in the Middle East. For every one we kill, they will get ten more.

The Islamists conceive as fast as rabbits and get this kids into anti-Israel and Anti-American madrassas as soon as they can walk. There has been numerous writings on Islamic demographics compared to the "enlightened" west. We will be out numbered in the not so distant future. The Islamists will breed themselves into power. At this point we can expect the Armageddon explained in the Bible.

Reality is not pretty. The problems that the Islamists have are not induced by the west. They are self-induced tragedies that fester and grow by each generation. The laziness of the west will lead to it's own destruction. It won't disappear with a big boom. It will eat away at itself until there is nothing left. What a beautiful world we have built.

More on this:,7340,L-3360281,00.html

Hassan Nasrallah is admitting Hizbollah receives support from Iran funneled through Syria. What will the world do? Will the appeasers remain in denial? Will there still be people who refuse to believe what he has said? Will the worlds diplomats still claim we should sit down and talk to Iran? Will they still claim that Syria's overture of peace talks with Israel were legitimate? WIll the people of the world continue to live in an extremely dangerous fantasy world?

"Iran assists the organization with money, weapons, and training, motivated by a religious fraternity and ethnic solidarity," Nasrallah said. "And the help is funneled through Syria, and everybody knows it."

There. It's plain and simple for all to see. How about when he was asked about Hizbollah acting as a state within a state?

"Nasrallah said that the current Lebanese government has yet to fulfill its obligation of securing the release of Lebanese prisoners in Israeli jails, and getting Israeli-occupied land back. Accordingly, Nasrallah said that the people, or part of the people, are free to try and realize those goals by themselves."

He successfully avoided the question and did what any American politician would do and answer what he wanted to. If it continues on it's present course, the Lebanese government will be overthrown in the same manner it was when the Palestinians were allowed to have a say in Lebanese politics. I am no big fan of Fuad Siniora. He is a man that's in way over his head. I don't see the character in him to deal with issues that would be less pressing. The fact that he will not fight to defend himself or his country places him in the same pool with other limpwristed reformers.

Iran and Syria are involved in a was through proxy armies. Hamas and Hizbollah are nothing but the Iranian arm of death. With the admission of Nasrallah, Israel has every right to go after Iran. One sovereign nation is attacking another. To eliminate Hizbollah, the supplies must be cut off. Eliminate the financier and the people will turn on Hizbollah. The sooner this is done, the better.

More on this:,7340,L-3360329,00.html

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US Intelligence Report Paints Dire Picture of Iraq

Gates and Pace-Click For Video
The report is in and it doesn't look good:

The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) released to the public makes clear that the Iraq civil war that has been created by the elimination of strongman Saddam Hussein is now extremely complicated and has the US seriously bogged down regardless of who has control of Congress. Where have Americans heard that phrase before? The full report is entitled "Iraq National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) - 'Prospects for Iraq's Stability: A Challenging Road Ahead' Unclassified Key Judgments." The introduction and methodology precedes the meat of the report. It's about as foreboding and dreadful as it gets. The following are the key judgements:

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace (right), U.S. Marine Corps, responds to a reporter's question during a press conference with Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates in the Pentagon on Feb. 2, 2007.
Image Credit: DOD photo by Cherie A. Thurlby.

Key Judgments

Iraqi society's growing polarization, the persistent weakness of the security forces and the state in general, and all sides' ready recourse to violence are collectively driving an increase in communal and insurgent violence and political extremism. Unless efforts to reverse these conditions show measurable progress during the term of this Estimate, the coming 12 to 18 months, we assess that the overall security situation will continue to deteriorate at rates comparable to the latter part of 2006. If strengthened Iraqi Security Forces (ISF), more loyal to the government and supported by Coalition forces, are able to reduce levels of violence and establish more effective security for Iraq's population, Iraqi leaders could have an opportunity to begin the process of political compromise necessary for longer term stability, political progress, and economic recovery.

Nevertheless, even if violence is diminished, given the current winner-take-all attitude and sectarian animosities infecting the political scene, Iraqi leaders will be hard pressed to achieve sustained political reconciliation in the time frame of this Estimate.

The challenges confronting Iraqis are daunting, and multiple factors are driving the current trajectory of the country's security and political evolution.

Decades of subordination to Sunni political, social, and economic domination have made the Shia deeply insecure about their hold on power. This insecurity leads the Shia to mistrust US efforts to reconcile Iraqi sects and reinforces their unwillingness to engage with the Sunnis on a variety of issues, including adjusting the structure of Iraq's federal system, reining in Shia militias, and easing de-Bathification.

Many Sunni Arabs remain unwilling to accept their minority status, believe the central government is illegitimate and incompetent, and are convinced that Shia dominance will increase Iranian influence over Iraq, in ways that erode the state's Arab character and increase Sunni repression.

The absence of unifying leaders among the Arab Sunni or Shia with the capacity to speak for or exert control over their confessional groups limits prospects for reconciliation. The Kurds remain willing to participate in Iraqi state building but reluctant to surrender any of the gains in autonomy they have achieved.

The Kurds are moving systematically to increase their control of Kirkuk to guarantee annexation of all or most of the city and province into the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) after the constitutionally mandated referendum scheduled to occur no later than 31 December 2007. Arab groups in Kirkuk continue to resist violently what they see as Kurdish encroachment.

Despite real improvements, the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)-particularly the Iraqi police-will be hard pressed in the next 12-18 months to execute significantly increased security responsibilities, and particularly to operate independently against Shia militias with success. Sectarian divisions erode the dependability of many units, many are hampered by personnel and equipment shortfalls, and a number of Iraqi units have refused to serve outside of the areas where they were recruited.

Extremists-most notably the Sunni jihadist group al-Qa'ida in Iraq (AQI) and Shia oppositionist Jaysh al-Mahdi (JAM)-continue to act as very effective accelerators for what has become a self-sustaining inter-sectarian struggle between Shia and Sunnis.

Significant population displacement, both within Iraq and the movement of Iraqis into neighboring countries, indicates the hardening of ethno-sectarian divisions, diminishes Iraq's professional and entrepreneurial classes, and strains the capacities of the countries to which they have relocated. The UN estimates over a million Iraqis are now in Syria and Jordan.

The Intelligence Community judges that the term "civil war" does not adequately capture the complexity of the conflict in Iraq, which includes extensive Shia-on-Shia violence, al-Qa'ida and Sunni insurgent attacks on Coalition forces, and widespread criminally motivated violence. Nonetheless, the term "civil war" accurately describes key elements of the Iraqi conflict, including the hardening of ethno-sectarian identities, a sea change in the character of the violence, ethno-sectarian mobilization, and population displacements. Coalition capabilities, including force levels, resources, and operations, remain an essential stabilizing element in Iraq. If Coalition forces were withdrawn rapidly during the term of this Estimate, we judge that this almost certainly would lead to a significant increase in the scale and scope of sectarian conflict in Iraq, intensify Sunni resistance to the Iraqi Government, and have adverse consequences for national reconciliation.

If such a rapid withdrawal were to take place, we judge that the ISF would be unlikely to survive as a non-sectarian national institution; neighboring countries-invited by Iraqi factions or unilaterally-might intervene openly in the conflict; massive civilian casualties and forced population displacement would be probable; AQI would attempt to use parts of the country-particularly al-Anbar province-to plan increased attacks in and outside of Iraq; and spiraling violence and political disarray in Iraq, along with Kurdish moves to control Kirkuk and strengthen autonomy, could prompt Turkey to launch a military incursion.

A number of identifiable developments could help to reverse the negative trends driving Iraq's current trajectory. They include:

Broader Sunni acceptance of the current political structure and federalism to begin to reduce one of the major sources of Iraq's instability.

Significant concessions by Shia and Kurds to create space for Sunni acceptance of federalism.

A bottom-up approach-deputizing, resourcing, and working more directly with neighborhood watch groups and establishing grievance committees-to help mend frayed relationships between tribal and religious groups, which have been mobilized into communal warfare over the past three years.

A key enabler for all of these steps would be stronger Iraqi leadership, which could enhance the positive impact of all the above developments. Iraq's neighbors influence, and are influenced by, events within Iraq, but the involvement of these outside actors is not likely to be a major driver of violence or the prospects for stability because of the self-sustaining character of Iraq's internal sectarian dynamics. Nonetheless, Iranian lethal support for select groups of Iraqi Shia militants clearly intensifies the conflict in Iraq. Syria continues to provide safehaven for expatriate Iraqi Bathists and to take less than adequate measures to stop the flow of foreign jihadists into Iraq.

For key Sunni regimes, intense communal warfare, Shia gains in Iraq, and Iran's assertive role have heightened fears of regional instability and unrest and contributed to a growing polarization between Iran and Syria on the one hand and other Middle East governments on the other. But traditional regional rivalries, deepening ethnic and sectarian violence in Iraq over the past year, persistent anti-Americanism in the region, anti-Shia prejudice among Arab states, and fears of being perceived by their publics as abandoning their Sunni co-religionists in Iraq have constrained Arab states' willingness to engage politically and economically with the Shia-dominated government in Baghdad and led them to consider unilateral support to Sunni groups.

Turkey does not want Iraq to disintegrate and is determined to eliminate the safehaven in northern Iraq of the Kurdistan People's Congress (KGK, formerly PKK)-a Turkish Kurdish terrorist group.

A number of identifiable internal security and political triggering events, including sustained mass sectarian killings, assassination of major religious and political leaders, and a complete Sunni defection from the government have the potential to convulse severely Iraq's security environment. Should these events take place, they could spark an abrupt increase in communal and insurgent violence and shift Iraq's trajectory from gradual decline to rapid deterioration with grave humanitarian, political, and security consequences. Three prospective security paths might then emerge:

Chaos Leading to Partition. With a rapid deterioration in the capacity of Iraq's central government to function, security services and other aspects of sovereignty would collapse. Resulting widespread fighting could produce de facto partition, dividing Iraq into three mutually antagonistic parts. Collapse of this magnitude would generate fierce violence for at least several years, ranging well beyond the time frame of this Estimate, before settling into a partially stable end-state.

Emergence of a Shia Strongman. Instead of a disintegrating central government producing partition, a security implosion could lead Iraq's potentially most powerful group, the Shia, to assert its latent strength.

Anarchic Fragmentation of Power. The emergence of a checkered pattern of local control would present the greatest potential for instability, mixing extreme ethno-sectarian violence with debilitating intra-group clashes.

Can this mess be unscrambbled? I don't know. If our troops would have been allowed to fight rather than cover their a**s with PC-ness, things wuold be much different.

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